Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In 'Merica, Greed Rules.. Earth Don't Care!!

Just bought refill for jap beetle trap
Don't fit last year, mo' 'merican crap
To toss, call local waste agency
We make the shit, but don't wanna see
Any of 'your' waste back our way
Cuz off the courts & congress we pay
All as Earth's warmed 2.7° in 1 year
Future is looking pretty sad but clear
Monster storms, droughts & fires
Exponential rise in human expires
Most would have died long ago
If we let Natural Selection flow
Now, gearing for big ole gun battles
When we've eaten all the cattles
Money, turns out, ain't too tasty
Starving stock marketers, so pasty
TDS* still thinking they're clever
Thinking donnie..plan to deliver
Got no plan, it's all hot air
Still convinced he has such flair
Always a poser, always a punk
Fat 'rich' guy w/ tiny junk
Want to feel the future, step outside
From humid funk, no where to hide
Storms, maybe, most likely to miss
Or few drops, like hot gross piss
Beryl lingers, rages on
Texass power, it's still gone
Few big quakes, deep sea floor
Growing sunspot no longer a snore
Shit gonna keep hitting the fan
Hate & greed, GOP plan..
Carbon neutral by 2050
Well, that sure sounds nifty
Half human population dead by then
Remaining, will be rather thin
Today On Earth

I don't play well, often:)
Thanks Gary.

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

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