Monday, July 8, 2024

Earth Gives Texass Much Needed Beryl Enema!!

In a hateful state needing a cleanse
Beryl is giving Texass a good rinse
Lame Texass grid w/ another crash
Lame dam about to spring a big gash
Lame star state, w/ punk bitch gov.
Has given Earth one too many a shove
Earth w/ heads-up, planet will win
Texass pain, sure gives me a grin
Wouldn't let Feds to the border w/ this self-created disorder
Cuz it's burning all your oil & the gas
That has brought monster Beryl to pass
Filled in a swamp & built a city
Now Earth is making it pretty shitty
Course, here we, too, burn the gas
And, got a drought kicking our ass
Have to hope that later this week
Beryl's rain will bring back my creek
Cuz it is damn sure gone now

This is it.. last puddle
in a former creek
Can Beryl remnants bring it back?

Quake issues, Panama & off Japan
Big sunspots about to turn at us, again
Comet Olbers is low in N. West
Binocs or even scope is the best
Moon is back, below Regulus
But, heat & skeeters, make a fuss
Today On Earth

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