Thursday, July 4, 2024

Is This The Last 4th Of July We Celebrate?

Old Ghinese saying: all feasts come to an end
Is 'merica coming 'round the last bend
If mo-rons elect donnie again
Democracy survival chances.. thin
He'll give Ukraine & Poland to Putin
In halls of congress, will be shootin'
Fat liar will declare himself king
Purges w/ chaos will be a real thing
We'll all be forced to kneel & pray
Posers for jesus will have their way
Medicare & Social Security
We will no longer even see
Will discover oil, gluttony & greed
Is not really enough to feed
All as Earth turns up the heat
On phone, can't order anything to eat
Beryl continues on her Caribbean romp
Yucatan to get the next big stomp
Then on to Texass, w/ big wind & rain
Greggg, all the flooding, how ya 'xplain
'Ain't no warming, oil is great'
Then for federal dollars, will wait
Dumbass deniers will likely pray
Still nothing to say
New Tonga island continues to grow
Usual, 2 dozen volcanoes on the blow
Lava, ash, lahars & local shakes
Live nearby..strong nerves it takes
At least..
No big quakes or solar blasts
Just concern..will democracies last
Not if mo-rons in the US of A
Vote poorly, let donnie back into play
Revenge & government destruction
Will be his only instruction..
Got no plans, got no clue
Scream, blame & hate is all he do
Right now, turtle cruising thru the yard
He's working, but life is hard
Today On Earth

Field got a trim
Quail terrain just got slim

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