Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Joe Is Sharp Next To Trump's Senility..

If donnie wasn't 'rich' he'd be in a home
Cuz it's his brain that's set to 'roam'
Randomly spewing hate, lies & crazy
I think mini-stokes got his brain hazy
Not that he's ever been know as smart
And, certainly there is no hint of heart
Always thought money meant love
And, with money he could just shove
His fat assed, evil way on thru life
Oblivious to any self-caused strife
Buy a Euro-wife, dump her aside
With cash get his rape victims to hide
Irony impaired, Art of the Deal
😆 LOFL 😂
Always a con-man, Art of the Steal
What ever he says, opposite is true
Like Texass morons driving thru
Flooded streets, needing rescue
But, for stupid, seems little we can do
They get to vote, so we're all screwed
Sad focus..phone & getting tattooed
Idiot parents, how dare you shoot my boy
Maybe teach him, hatchet ain't a toy
And, not what you bring to a gun fight
Least, one less wack job in sight
Problem always in mirror looking back
Not my fault you're an idiot on crack
It's your parent's fault if you have a clue
Or if you are slime looking to screw
But, most are looking to blame
Not my fault, always the claim
Live in Texass, vote for W & trump
Then, your fault Beryl took a dump
On your city sitting on the flood plane
Sweating in the dark..don't complain
Another biggish quake off Vancouver
Sun got spots but none a real mover
Way hot w/ high humidity here
But, sadly, skies remain way too clear
Today On Earth

This is a wasp w/ a spider
3x as big as it is..
Had already dragged it 30'
Then 8' feet up this wall
If we all had to work this hard
To bring dinner home
There would not be 8 billion
Human mouths to feed

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