Saturday, July 20, 2024

Front For Big Heat Blunt... Sweeeet!!

The front only made Carolina border
Oozing north w/ more needed water
Looking like a damp & cool Saturday
W/ the Open Championship underway
Showing why..never go cross the pond
Seems only cold & nasty to be found
Golf; played when it's warm & dry
But, would give Premier League a try
Earthquakes today, numbers still low
Lotta sunspots but only a minor blow
Near Full moon will be bright tonight
Left of Sagittarius, to Capricorn's right
It's the Buck Moon, antlers growing
And, for now, the velvet showing
Covid Joe remains well out of sight
Lyin' donnie, hateful ranting fright
Same old lies, blame & fear
Plans for future remain unclear
Just wants attention & false praise
There was no calm, post-shot phase
Still just lying piece of crap
Lured millions into blame migrants trap
Not that over-breeders aren't a concern
Idiots follow pope, make babies to burn
Posers for jesus, same stupidity
As more heat, less food we see
Less clean water, high in CO2 air
Oceans, plastic & dead fish everywhere
Many good ideas, programs & plans
But, for 8 billion, too many demands
Hope for the future, staring at a phone
Whine; 'oh poor me, I'm so alone'
Get off your fat ass, take a walk
Encounter another, maybe a talk?
Ain't no good on that phone..
Today On Earth

After recent nasty drought
Nice to see tortoise about

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