Tuesday, July 16, 2024

JD: Hillbilly Hypocrisy!!

Back when I read Hillbilly Elegy
Liking JD Vance, was not for me
Whining punk slinging usual blame
Not our inbred fault, ever the same..
First impressions.. they're usual right
Like when donnie came into JD's sight
Saw donnie's hateful evil & called it out
But, about a hillbilly, ain't no doubt
Selling out, on you knees, what it's about
Like his mom took crack & whore route
Now JD is screaming it's Joe's fault
So... little chance violence will halt
And, it's what donnie's been calling for
No shocker, came knocking at his door
While we squabble, deny & hate
Earth selling heat w/ no rebate
Solar blast today could be very bad
Toasting our crowded satellite's pad
No grid in Texass to take down
Not since Beryl visited town
Moon waxing into the gibbous phase
But, it's low, shining thru the haze
Quakes scene, no big slips
Up in Milwaukee, no funny quips
VA gov, a screaming embarrassment
But, lotta haters for jesus, in one tent
Courts still letting traitor walk free..
So, more violence..we're gonna see
Maybe a better aimer
Will take out the lying blamer
Today On Earth

Don't take much rain
To get shrooms to pop..

donnie & jd win..
Europe's communist again

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