Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Quaking: Hawai'i; Lava, In Texass; Oil..

Out on the west coast, fires rage
On Big Island, new lava ooze stage
In slimy oil denial land, Texass
Earth is not likely to give a pass
Blow up Earth to release oil & gas
But, salt water, too, for that, no cash
So they just pump it back in, deep
Lubes old faults & groundwater seeps
Not like they care, all about the oil
But, it's making their dry ground roil
Sun is getting busy, blasting away
Proton storm & auroras, a USA play
Another big storm, misses here
Skies remain muggy, semi-clear
Calling for rain, chance here low
At least, 90's not making a show
Not so out on the west coast
Fires explode, temps set to roast
Majority in USA, sigh of relief
Chance to not vote, old guy grief
Kamala got the money rollin' in
donnie lies on, again & again
And again & again, all he can do
His only plan, give enemies a screw
Vengeance & rape is how he rolls
Needs, put all those guns to good use
Add donnie to history's pile of refuse
And, he's a big pile
Go on... smile..
There is hope again..
Today On Earth

Just add water..

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