Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Keep Your Personal Beliefs... Personal!!

No one on Earth believes what you do
All 8 billion believe different than you
So, shut the phuck up, keep it all inside
'Til out ya butt your 'god' does slide
The more you scream, rant & demand
The more you're taking another's stand
We all know your weak ass plan
So many believe our god's the true man
Then our 'book' must be true
Book says all men get women to screw..
Well, someone, or all have gotta be wrong
But, really all singing the same lame song
Believe like me and I'll feel much better
And, believe our old book to the letter
Or just pick & choose what ya want
Or our holy ghost will haunt...
Male gods created for men
Couldn't let women win..
Women create life, men unload sperm
Men took their power, make 'em squirm
Created gods of power & hate
Outcome; ain't been so great..
So hypocrites for jesus/allah please
Hold your li'l god 'tween your knees
Before ya stick him up your ass
May need to let jehovah pass
Easy to see how ya bought donnie's con
Misogynist hate your game all along
Posers for jesus..just shut up..
Out on Earth, Beryl w/ reggae hit
Jamaica getting beat all to shit
Lightning hits gang of mormon kids
Seem moroni provided no safety lids
We get one more low humidity day
Before Earth's reality comes our way
Grazing blast today from the sun
San Andreas, Gulf of Cali shifting fun
Germany, UEFA getting lots of rain
Take it & smile, better not complain
Bone dry remains our scene
Not much creek remains to be seen
Today On Earth

WNRN Red Wing Roots
Free breakfast crowd
Thanks Mill St.

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