Tuesday, June 25, 2024

You Voted For Lies, Now The Truth S. F. Dakota!!

S.F. Dakota is a state full o' slime
(Guess what the F stands for.. not fun)
Gov. brags about her dog killin' time
Laws to protect credit card extortion
But, getting a little reality contortion
Build on flood plains, what'll ya get
Warming caused rains, town is so wet!
Fat bellied sheriff, 'ain't never seen'
'Nothin' like this, we're living so clean'
But, you are not, you voted for donnie
Burned lots of oil, Earth kicking ya hinny
Course, demanding Joe send aid quick
But, dodged taxes, thinkin' they're slick
Where are insurance companies these days
Same as ever, for that, we don't pays
Here we went from humid to bone dry
Some dumbass had to give fire a try
Deeply stupid every where ya look
So you can say, 'check selfie I took'
No one cares about your selfie dude
Sunspot 3664 has spun our way again
Will third time be the blast for the win?
Well, not for Earth or our grids
As Dominion put on solar panel lids
Can't produce your own, take their control
Then put up 'nother easy to snap pole
In 'merica if it ain't about easy greed
Then elected ones..got no need
San Andreas w/ mo' li'l slips
And rest of Ring, downward dips
Extreme remains the new standard call
W/ 8 billion..lots likely to fall..
Today On Earth

Chimneys will out last us all..

Oh yea..Jews, ARabs
Still idiots...
Putin: into Worst Ever Hall of Shame
donnie wants to join him, blow him..

Monday, June 24, 2024

More Heat On Stage & In Air..

Jax & Siri & Lindsay Lou
Let the music blast on thru
Mill St breakfast, gospel set
Then more treats did we get
Tribute to Robbie & The Band
Over Jimmy, easy to understand
Clouds & a breeze, shower late
Weather luck, we couldn't hate..
Back to hot & dry again
Any rain chances looking thin
Usual mayhem around the world
Minn. dam break, flood unfurled
Close to collapse just not yet
Hawai'i surfer just got shark et
Landslides & storms, 6.3 quake
Reality, Earth's never on break
Missed the political stupidity
Easy, no TV did I see
Guarantee: donnie confused & lied
Head in sand, TDS* hide
It's a 'witch hunt' or 'fake news'
They slobber, drool, respond to cues
Listen to logic, science or reality?
Guarantee: none on fox you'll see
What you will see; spots on the sun
If luck holds, blasts seen; none!
Time to focus, Croatia v Italy
So far, no goals do we see..
Tie; Italy thru, Croatia goes home
PK coming, ref on roam...
Today On Earth

Jax Hollow

Missed the PK
Scored 33 secs. later

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker..


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sierra, Amy & Zella... Take Charge At RWR!!

Power women took over yesterday
Oh, they did sing, Oh, they did play
Zella Day strutted w/ Chaparelle
Long ago, her inhibitions fell
Dared the crowd to look away
Frozen in the hot sun, they did stay
Switch the stage, Sierra Hull, whoa
Put on a massive mandolin show
We got a bayou break & then
Amy Helm blasted in
Levon's daughter took control
She did the rock, she did the roll
Hot as was the stuff on stage
A minor reprieve, new weather page
Some clouds & then a breeze
For a spell, heat released its squeeze
Fairly pleasant out, so far
Still in charge, a nearby star
Tho' still spotty, still no big blasts
Who knows how long calm'll last
Mag. 6.0 quake, off Venezuela coast
But, no big waves will beaches host
Usual scene around the Ring
It's Earth, it's the subduction thing
News really remains the heat
Still, days from any retreat..
So, stay cool out there
Today On Earth

Say no more...

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sun Screen & Shade... And, Chairs

It was hot but OK in the shade
Once powered, on the bands played
Today, maybe a little hotter
Than Hell..??
Oh well
Might as well get used to it..
Earth's cares not a wit
We added the heat
It's gonna move it about
Today On Earth

Red Wing Roots XI

Friday, June 21, 2024

HOT!! Even At Red Wing Roots..

Heat reality hit me quick yesterday
Hotter in Valley than down my way
Gonna get even hotter, soon
Will it scorch Strawberry moon?
Tilt at the sun during the day
But, at night, from moon tilt away
Moon will be bright but will be low
Be awhile for we see it at the show
Sunspots, huge, are they gonna blow
If they do, Earth will soon know
No big quakes around
Only minor shaking of ground
Storm spinning up off SE coast
For any rain, we'd happily host..
But, High will keep that away
So, we're gonna sweat today
Global warming denier, get outside
The future is now, no where to hide
Today On Earth

Baby phoebes, at least 3...
Waiting for mom..

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Summer Solstice

Today's the longest day of the year
And, on Earth there's much to fear
Storms dump water in the street
All the way to Canada, monster heat
Water table here, continues to fall
Shed rain barrels, used it all..
donnie's dupes eke out a win
As his stupid 'thoughts' bring a grin
I still think he's having mini-stokes
Not that stupid just from few tokes..
Saying that dead people voted for him
Chances of hearing his 'plan'; slim
Revenge is not really a plan
Just flailings of a pathetic li'l man
SpaceX continues to pollute space
Porn in Amazon, mo' cultural erase
Huge sunspots haven't blown yet
Maybe gambling app..can place a bet
You can be sure quakes in Texass
Frackin' Earth for oil & gas
Then put salt water back in..
Lube the faults, they slip again
Seem overdue for a big quake??
W/ tsunami doing big beach rake
But, not today, quakes are low
& all weather systems, moving slow
So heat issues will remain
Flooding rains continue to train
Warming too obvious to deny
Still the stupid...will try..
Today On Earth

Pretty pattern on this kid
That local guy was..
Catching turtles
Shipping them to slime-ass Ghina
And, he wasn't shot..
Says it all..no consequences

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Can You Say Juneteenth In Texass Or Powhatan?

Since Texass didn't let slaves free
Why any changes expected to see
Hanover, Powhatan flyin' rebel flags
Locals dress in gray Loser rags
Think lyin' donnie has got a clue
Guns loaded, ready to shoot you
McGuire should go on comedy tour
Says donnie cares about you, yea sure
Only thing that lying pig knows
If he loses, it's off to jail he goes
Buddy benny would be in Israeli jail
Better hope his lil war doesn't fail
All this stupidity as Earth kicks ass
Monster heat dome'll be slow to pass
Saudi hajj got 'em dropping like flies
Toss stones, still no allah, no surprise
'Bout same odds a jesus making a show
Screams for 'merican theocracy grow
We Want Minority Rule!!
donnie their hateful, a-religious fool
Drink diet coke & lite beer
As bellies stand out, quite clear!!
Day w/ cries of equality & blame
Earth rules remain the same
Next generation: the parent's fault
& 'til poor breeding comes to halt
Problems will come from home
Feral kids allowed to just roam
Spend more on braids than books
Fancy shoes, ok being crooks
Want reparations & housing 'rights'
But dad at home to pay for lights?
All 'your' problems are 'your' fault
Fat from drive-thru, too much salt
I didn't stuff that food in your face
I didn't make you live in that place
Fix your own problems & you'll see
Maybe a little more 'equality'
Not that that can be a real thing
Earth don't care about all our bling
Just reacting to our CO2..
And, change, we will not do
Sunspots gearing up for a big blast
Fried grid would change things fast..
Let's hope...
not Today On Earth

This is what a LAKE
Looks like in Texass
Those building are boat docks
To left, mast on sailboat
Water front home..
Now..that's funny!!

On Texass SE coast there is water
Washing the sand away!!
So deserved..
whatcha gonna do Greggg?
Sit & lie

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ohhhh.. We Have So Tipped.. Too Late Now..

My guess, those that often poorly tip
Would deny our new reality slip..
The future is here & it is hot
Bad news, our fixes come w/ a gun shot
We have armed the world, now what
All that heat, kinda like shot in the gut
Fires rage on, Ruidoso, NM get out now!
Same east of LA,  know how, but wow
Primary elections today
Least lying ads go away
Good v McGuire both tell same lies
Missed the irony in Lord of the Flies
donnie continues to get it all wrong
More names where they don't belong
Does he have daily mini strokes?
Or in closet, hitting shots & tokes?
Cuz he's always been really dumb
'Brain' into a new phase, really numb?
Quakes today, Peru/Ecuador & PNG
'Neath Tonga, less seafloor to see
Biggest solar blasts away from us
Science still figuring May 10 rush
Kicked up electricity in the air
Another heads up, better be aware
Awareness today, it's the heat
Will continue w/ the downward beat
Bermuda High, SW Low
Seriously humid southern flow
Then where ya gonna go
When we overload grid..til it'll blow
Speaking of big grid, carbon free lies
Dominion; no real surprise
North Anna is sooo not carbon free
Employees gas guzzlers easy to see
3-400 million tons of concrete
In 2 containment buildings..sweet
That released almost as much CO2
300 million tons is not carbon free
'merica, corporate greed, easy to see
Lie & distort, accept no blame
Too bad Earth's winning the game
Stock market w/ new record highs
While on hot planet, onward deaths rise
Get used to it, more to come..
Today On Earth

Ready to add my share of CO2:)
But, 1,000's of living trees
Balance me out..into the green
Bite me dominion & REC

And, hey, TrumpDickSuckers
Tip well after you stuff your fat face
Your server smiled, but doesn't like you!!  

Monday, June 17, 2024

Rory's Focus - Short Putts or Amanda..??

Rory McIlroy, w/ golf's biggest choke
Lost to Robo-man, weird but no joke
But, I'd been thinking Amanda, too
As a guy, what else ya gonna do..
Our last weekend before heat arrives
Heat + no rain..we'll see what survives
Mag. 6.0 quake just offshore of Peru
Floriduuh, to get another big rain screw
Another system stirring in SW Gulf
But, it's really the big heat to engulf
Mostly the entire USof A
Created the mess & we're gonna pay
Admit an issue, nope, float Da Nile
If it cared, Earth would just smile..
Sunspot, unstable, ready to blow
Pointed at Earth, we will soon know
Moon & Spica were lovely last night
Waxing on, it'll again be bright
Clever Fox, showing Euro football
Immigrant viewers, will get most all
Then expand all of their lies
But, buy donnie's crap?? still a surprise
Still go into 'merica & wander round
Intelligence is not easily found
Stare at a phone or off into space
Both get you to same vacuum place
Just like in Floriduuuuh
Whaaaa... Huuuuh
'Attention walmart shoppers'
Lot of irony impairment..
Today On Earth

Dung beetles will remain

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father Or Sperm Donor?

Live w/ your wife & a kid or two
Then, I'd like to say, congrats to you
Bet you're working to be a good dad
5 kids & now gone, you're a slimy cad
Or even 5 kids & still w/ your wife
To her & world you've added much strife
Those kids will live on hot, crowded place
Cuz planet's heating up for a big erase
Or sunspot 3712 could give Earth a slap
And cause electric grids to go ZAP
Then, how to put Cali fires out
Or hear the flooded Gulf coast shout
Storms are spinning up..right now
Yet still to man-gods fools still bow
We're still getting by w/ low heat
But, coming soon, air won't be sweet
Gonna get hot & humid, too
Then hide in shade you'll have to do
Least, quake scene remains semi-calm
Sea floor mostly, Earth a self-balm
Moon is waxing, visits Virgo tonight
That'll be Spica to moon's right
Straight above, Arcturus you'll see
On to dipper's handle, an arcing spree
Moon on to Antares in 3 day's time
Share that w/ kids, you ain't no slime
Sound like a Father & it's your day
To overbreeders..we'll all soon pay
Thanks for trashing things...
Finau & Gaffigan top that list
5 ugly kids, none'd be missed
And, Tony will choke again at Open
Today On Earth

Over breeder, misogynist
Hope you dick looks like this

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Minor Respite... But, Big Heat Is Coming.. Here!!

A weak front come on thru
Alas, rain missed, another boohoo
So, we dodge the big heat blast
But, our respite..will not last
Into next week & it seems beyond
We will join in w/ earth heat song
It's getting hot, storms are extreme
At 8 billion but few living the dream
🌍 🌎 🌏
Down to less than 2 acres apiece
Survival slim if breeding don't cease
Deserts grow, glaciers melt
New reality being felt
Still deny & blame, no real plan
But, Earth will be fine w/o man
Would be better if run by women
So, in greed & hate we ain't swimmin'
Sure, lots of women fell for the con
With the man-gods, just go along
But, it ain't working out so well
Male power + greed = living hell
And, it's too late, heat gonna rise
Still non-believers show surprise
'Who knew it would get so hot'
'Who knew more'd get shot'
Who knew 'supreme' court such slime
And, they seem exempt from any crime
Quakes today, rollin' Himalayan rocks
New sunspot, maybe new Earth shocks
Heat to south, Floriduuh still floods
GOP thoughts..still just evil duds
Today On Earth

The Finn dog
w/ a weird fungus
Too big to be donnie's dick:)

In really good news
won't have to watch lame Tiger
this weekend...
Cuz he sucks!!!
and, ARab sucker Phil: worse

Friday, June 14, 2024

WHAT!! It's Hot?! Who Would Have Thought?!

Who knew that science was so right
That a super hot planet was in sight
Science cured diseases, went to moon
Turned computers tiny & so soon
Forecast our CO2 would raise the heat
To a point, where Earth won't so sweet
Course, minor issues coming w/ AI
Computers w/ a take over try
But, will they be worse than we are
War, hate & stupidity near & far
Deniers in Floriduuh; heat to flood
Soon, return to heat & mud:)
Ronnie & Marco, who to blame?
Look in mirror & say your name
Cuz this is your fault
To any progressive change, a halt
When you deny reality
Earth happy to help you see
CO2 highest in..'bout a million years
W/ no plans to calm our fears
Has anyone heard a GOP plan?
A wall but no drug truck scan
Why all the evil to our south
Cuz we want drugs in our mouth
Or in arms or up the nose
Most hooked are faking jesus pose
Latinos having kids they can't feed
Cartels offer job to fill the need
NRA: sell guns everywhere
So guns only kill, NRA don't care
NRA/GOP, a plan for a fix
Nope, just lying, blaming dicks
And, any help coming from the pope
We all know in that, zero hope
Prayer don't seem to get it done..
Least no big blast from the sun..
Peru only quake issue today
But, it's the heat gonna make us pay
Wanna see a new record high?
Only got to wait another day to pass by..
Today On Earth

Other life forms will adapt
Or die
What will we do..
Ain't no where left to move
And easily rape the planet..

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Heat Builds, Floriduuh: Welcome to Reality

Big floods in land of warming denial
Floriduuh: good place to hold a trial
Good news: more rain yet to come:)
Bad news: Floriduuh GOP.. so dumb
Heat dome is heading north
Just how much is that CO2 worth?
Can't eat oil, plastic or money
Low on water, that ain't funny
But, got guns & bombs on missiles
And, uranium ready to go fissile
Why'd we want the wars to cease..
Duh..ain't no easy money in peace
Twisted men w/ little dicks
Hoping their evil rule sticks
History of hate & killing on repeat
Yet, killers say their gods are so sweet
Quakes & volcanoes, still around
Shakes & lava spews on the ground
But, mostly still just local scene
And, sunspot blasts, kinda lean
Well...radio blackout up arctic way
As solar protons rain again today
Issue still, solar heat that can't leave
Greedy idiot 'leaders' bent on deceive
That ain't likely to change..
But, Earth reaction, big rearrange

Evidence of ice
But, ice..it's going

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What Day Is It... I Forget..

Retirement makes me often ask..
What's today, do I have a task..
That's it's Hump Day, of little concern
Or that in denial Texass, on they burn
Or that tornadoes hit a trailer park
But, that the future's looking stark
That does have me a little on edge
That our main fix it tool is a sledge
Big floods in Floriduuh, I don't care
Or that the tides wash higher there
CO2 levels continue a rapid rise
Fatties in big trucks, zero surprise
Obesity is the new way to be
Then into lycra, so gross to see
Which is why, walmart I avoid
Lest my eyesight be destroyed
Thanks Oprah for making fat OK
& that men listen to all you say
Unmarried, childless & obese
Yet your 'wisdom' will not cease
If ya believe Oprah, why not trump
As on 'merica, both took a dump
Made the world worse place to be
Overbreeding douches far as we can see
Only whining, no offer of solutions
As on we grow multiple pollutions
Rape the oceans, wash away the soil
Heli-moms, phone kids, they do spoil
Thought of schools blocking phones
Falsebook moms will pick their bones
Fat bitch whines, if kid needs to call
Gotta get her mo' food, control it all!!!
Let's put jesus & phones up their ass
Maybe some peace will come to pass..
🌞 🌒 🌎
Sunspot 3664 still blasting away
And, it doesn't even face Earth's way
Only real quakes along the seafloor
Well, Guatemala, 4.9 can't ignore
New warnings for Pacific N.W
When big quake hits, will be a test
No predictions, just a 'better beware'
Subduction shift, Earth won't declare
Until they feel the first big...BANG
Rocks have slipped..it's a real thang
It's all coming, just like the heat
Sadly, it will not be sweet..
Today On Earth

There is still ice on Earth
But, it's melting...and fast

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Surprise Sweet Shower!!! Trump Ever Dumber..

On a day both cool & dry
Shocker that storm rolled by
But, it saved lots of plants lives
Earth rule: water: life survives
Out in land of gambling & sluts
Sad donnie talks, proves he's nuts
Same story of batteries & sharks
Electrocute me he, again, barks
That sounds good, strap him to chair
Crank it up, make him voltage aware
Conman, thief, rapist & a traiter
TDS* followers, jesus posers, haters
Another lovely day, cool & dry
By Friday, we're also gonna fry
Sharks attacks..here's the thing
Ya don't wanna wear shiny bling
Left hand bitten right off..
Should'a taken flashy diamond off
Wonder if she had on a black suit
To shark, seal-like, tasty & cute
No big solar blasts coming
Few 5-ish quakes, locals bumming
Down south, gonna cook again
Yea, Floriduuh, no warming..I grin!
Also, got big rain & floods
Add in burial by tidal muds..
Today On Earth

Balanced tree is down
Trail is clear

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
so many ways a sucker...

Monday, June 10, 2024

Water Views Come With A Price..

Erosion & deposition, usually slow
Until gravity makes 'em GOOOO!!
Suddenly a house or road is gone
Rivers & waves just rollin' on
Beach is just a river of sand
Clear rivers w/ a sediment demand
Coastal folks, ocean's coming your way
Got more ice melting every day
When Antarctic sea ice goes
Worldwide problem it'll pose
Until then, rise lil mo' gradual
But, ocean basins... are not full:)
We remain in the mid-June cool
By mid-week, even here, heat'll rule
Solar blast mostly gonna miss
But, monster spot continues to hiss
Again, no big quake concerns
Just the heat, onward it burns
Still mo-ron humans show shock
Happens if you overcrowd your rock
A rock that gives all we need..
Until a species breeds like a weed
Earth ain't listening when ya pray
But, hot or cold, it ain't going away
And, it will have the final say
Like... Today On Earth

The floating tree
changes balance point
as I saw a little farther thru
each day..

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sharks Bite Back.. Spot 3664 Blasts On

Going for a swim off Floriduuh
Shark repellant needed fo' sure
Ron & Marco...maybe take a swim
Invite donnie, in the lead..him:)
Gravity w/ another big landslide
From Earth change, we can't hide
But, it seems, we can accelerate
For our survival, not so great
Long lived sunspot blasting away
Lot of particles, satellites to pay?
Latest blast crashed radios again
Alas, no help to make 'merica thin
Here, another day, low humidity
Soon, like the south, heat we'll see
Extreme heat & it's only June
Still millions sing denier tune
Won't 'believe' science, but'll pray
Lie about slavery, won't say gay
Stupid is the only word that works
To describe all TDS* jerks
No such thing as li'l radical
Superstitious, believe all the bull
So..where is this 'heaven' or hell
Ask the faithful, they won't 'tell'
Won't tell cuz they don't know..
All a power & money show
Men over women, maintain control
Gotta flip if humans to roll
Pedophiles in the pulpit looking out
Eyeing your daughter..& son, no doubt
Youth minister, also on the prowl
What's he doing under that towel
Pulpit crew, weirdos & losers
And, you got your closet boozers
Using 'god' to make themselves great
Talking love but spewing hate..
Today, for sure, On Earth

Seeing fresh dirt
Poked around
No one home???

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
Ready to drop to their knees
'god' or donnie to please