Saturday, September 14, 2024

Still With The October Feel..

While most of Earth continues to cook
Here, we roll w/ quite a different look
Still hanging w/ the cool & dry
Although, that may soon pass by
Low off Carolina coast stirs to a'spin
Rain chances becoming much less thin
Could even have damp week ahead
Will take lots to put our drought to bed
Creek is back to small pools again
Amphibians looking to hunker in
Leaf fall is picking up speed
Got no water, tree got no need
Philippine plate w/ shaky edges today
Solar blasts will have auroras at play
Delusional dooney riding the lie train
Conspiracy tales bring Ohio pain
Schools close, TDS* threats abound
If loser don is there, chaos is found
Out west fires still spread & rage
Miss. valley floods far from final stage
Across pond, Premier League is back
Manchester, City is under Bees attack
Haarland just evened it w/ goal #8
Football action, never long to wait
Well, US version, lot of standing about
Soon commercial, buy crap! they shout
Hey, I do need some green chili..
Today On Earth

Chinquapins are ripe!
Letting go!

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
They are tripe..
Not in the know..clueless
Believe most anything...

And it's now 2-1 City..

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