Wednesday, September 4, 2024

100°+ For 100 Days... Nice Phoenix!!

Since well before summer began
Phoenix was hittin' 100°, again & again
Maybe not a great place for a city?
But, we do build where things are shitty
Entire west coast is cooking hot
Gulf coast stalled, gross like snot
Didn't become a storm w/ a name
No big wind, but rain is 'bout the same
Here, we sit in cool, dry Canadian air
You need some clothes on out there
Jews & ARabs show off loving gods
Hateful asswipes dumping mo' bods
dooney trump commits 'nother crime
Blames victims, he's the king of slime
Happy to disgrace Arlington cemetery
Calls vets loser..& draft dodger he be..
Still the TDS* losers bow & suck
Any truth or reality, quick to duck
Earth didn't duck a solar blast
Bit of surprise, radio blackout cast
Even bigger CME's off other side of sun
Star's spinning, to be our coming fun
Atlantic still quiet, dust & cool air
Is chillin' storm formation out there
Only quakes today, barely at 5
Up in Iceland, hot spot still alive
Cali prime real estate on the creep
Why's the learning curve so steep
Build in places we really should not
Flood plains, plate boundaries, hot spot
Most, trying to survive, day to day
But, Natural Selection always at play
Planet don't care, you better..
Today On Earth

Doing fine
At 99
Bummed she couldn't go to
Flyin' Squirrel's game last night!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
'merica great??
W/ those sucker in it??
They and dooney
(rhymes w/ looney)
are the anchors 'round the neck
of 'merica..
But, they look good in pink
Seems..they'd suck lil vlady, too

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