Wednesday, September 18, 2024

No Name Gloom Lingers..

With 1 3/4" already in the gauge
You'd think, we'd turned drought page
But, creek is barely back into the flow
Side streams, they're still a no show
But, the forest does look more alive
After another gasp, dogwoods survive
No mention of a Texass quake
Did it happen or just a fake?
What is fake, everything JD says
But, dooney proved..lying pays
Racist haters will use any excuse
To turn their christian 'love' loose
Posers for Jesus riding hypocrisy train
Judge w/ vengeance, quick to complain
On their knees to suck trump's stubby dick
They are the problem, they are the sick
Earth still don't care, locked in w/ rain
Puny humans remain Earth's real bane
Planet will remain long after we're gone
Much will survive, just evolving on..
Jews & ARabs keep waging endless war
In a real world, no idea what it's for
Imaginary jehovah battles imaginary allah
As imaginary jesus crowd, quick to holler
Promised land? there is no such thing!
Ancient superstitions w/ very hollow ring
Just a reason for man control & hate
Women back in charge, that'd be great
Men talk of rights, but do wrongs
Craving power, singing same songs
Some saw auroras & Full moon
We have weather for a happy loon
Solar storm has slowed for a bit
Cycle peak, we haven't seen it..
Phone & watch update...then WTF?
Figure out what's 'new'.. good luck
Time for wander out into the wet
We'll see what's up w/ large brown pet
Today On Earth

Dog will sample most any water
It is in HIS yard..

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