Friday, September 6, 2024

And, The New Hottest Summer Ever... Winner is: 2024!!

Blowing past all the warning signs
Seems Earth has set its own designs
With high levels of CO2
This is what Earth will do
Trap more heat & get hotter fast
Rising temps, a century will last
Plus, 57 million tons of plastic/year
Waaay more than lying doonie to fear
Course, those Ohio farmers voted for him
There chance of rain remains quite slim
But, if they look in a mirror, they'll see
The reason for warming, it tis thee
Cuz if you put doonie in presidency
You caused the problems, no place to flee
Like deniers all along Gulf coast
Of flooding rain they can boast
Our amazing weather just won't stop
For days, even 80 we can't top
Be nice if some rain came our way
But, little in forecast..even week away
Extreme the normal, we don't get
Over crowed Earth, turned most to shit
Catholics, muslims & the jews
Having kids that none can use
jesus, allah & jehovah; all no shows
So on the hate & fighting goes
Few good shakes, of local concern
As ever on western fires burn
Rich folks in Call, homes on the slide
Build on active Earth, get set to glide
Yet, what we refuse to see
The problem is you, problem is me
We're all in on it, all to blame
We sell short, Earth w/ long game
Just taking another spin..
Today On Earth

Sunset - nice!!

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