Sunday, September 15, 2024

Carolina Low, Hawai'i Flow, Aurora Glow!

Solar blasts have zapped Earth again
Gibbous moon, aurora views..thin
Hawai'i shakes tells me lava is movin'
Maui fire warnings, they weren't behoovin'
El Salvador is rather shook up today
Even France got a quake in play
Unsettled Low just off Carolina coast
Hopes it brings us a big rain toast
Cool & dry is nice but we need rain
If a wet week, none should complain
We all know, the national whiner will
Poor fat rich guy, won't pay a'one bill
Can't land at many airports for fuel
Cuz rip people off, dooney's #1 rule
He & JD, quite the conspiracy pair
Mix in crazy bimbo, she's ready to share
Wonder if dooney gets to just grab away
Wonder how much she makes him pay
We know his wife's no where to be found
But, stuck, cash & contractually bound
Here, sun & clouds, wind w/ trees asway
All & all not a bad mid September day
We should all get out...
Today On Earth

Little Miss Pouts-A-Lot
It's all rigged
Nope, just...
Your brain ain't too big

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