Saturday, September 28, 2024

Insurance In Floriduuh... LOFL!! Not If, When!!

We know in Floriduuh who won't get hit
Big insurance, they don't cover shit
Have moved out of the sunshine state
Elsewhere, for flood ins., it's way too late
Especially if you're on the flood plain
But, that's on you, so don't complain
Cuz on Earth it ain't IF but WHEN
If happened once, will happen again
Were so proud of living on the coast
Now, maybe not the wisest boast
And, that little stream flowing nearby
Will free it's banks & make you cry
Live in hills, downstream of a big dam
Big rain, need a plan for a quick scram
But, recent reminder, people w/o a clue
Heading to Floriduuh; storm? who knew
'Round plate edges, only minor shakes
Our spotty sun, taking a CME break
Comet continues early morning show
Nearing Earth, will brightness grow?
Speaking of glow, the sun is back
Unseen for a week, that was whack
At least, we are no mo' in drought
For most farmers, too late to help out
Another reminder, climate change is real
And, we should prepare for election steal
Cuz of stupid things TDS* say
Living in a world of lies, we all pay..
Today On Earth

Why I haven't gone far lately
That stick was 8" into the ground!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
Ohh, they would if asked..
Just like donnie'd suck lil vlady
Then screw Ukraine!!
And, Poland..and more..

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