Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Name Rain..JD's Serving Curried Cat.. Harvest Moon!!

Hillbilly JD should check own house out
Cuz he's the one w/ immigrants all about
And, neighbors, keep your cat in eye shot
Or could be in Vance's own curry pot
He admitted pet story was 'created'
dooney, why shoot me? cuz you're hated!
Cuz you're a traitor & lil vlady's whore
W/ Euro'ho wife, never seen no more
Seems.. don jr. got a cocaine lisp
We knew his brain won't too crisp
Or maybe that's it, it is coke fried
Happy to look stupid, when should hide
Power is back on here, good job REC
Now just how much rain we gonna see
Texass got issues, all oily & self made
Cuz exxon frackers gotta get paid
But, panhandle in a shaky way
At mag 5.1, biggest quake on Earth today
Bad driver hits gasline, fire plume we see
Sure.. a woman can't get prenatal care
Too bad no poser for jesus w/ help there
Texass, not a safe place to be
Cops let school shooters just roam free
"I ain't goin' in there, I might get shot"
Yea..guns save lives.. in Texass; NOT!
Harvest moon, Super & an eclipse
Well, shadow, it barely clips
We will not see a thing here
Sky will be very far from clear
Auroras seen into mid-latitudes
Even as bright moon intrudes
Hurricane winds, feet of rain
Yet, storm gets no name...insane!
Yes, it is out there
Today On Earth

Shrooms..be loving this rain

what a classic!!
Fab 5 Freddie...

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