Saturday, September 7, 2024

Starliner vs MegaMillions..I Like Mega Odds Better

Sure, yea, Starliner made it back
Astronauts on ISS, still in the rack
And, Mega odds are extremely long
But, Boeing doors, attached so wrong!!
Be tough getting folks for next ride
Wonder..will fat dooney fit inside?
Still like every thug in the penitentiary
Screaming, I didn't do it, it won't me
But, like all the rest, he's guilty!!
Tuesday, another prosecutor gonna see
He'll be lying, insulting, rambling fool
Kamala will call him out, he'll drool
Course, drooling & farting is his gig
Under that crazy blonde wig
I didn't realize, he really does smell..
And, you don't have to get close to tell
Bad combo of BO, old, breath & gas
Reeks like a 4 day old bass..
7 quakes at or above mag. 5
Cali, Geysers coming alive
I've seen that geyser shoot into air
Perfect timing passing by there!!
Weak front coming thru today
Little chance any rain will play
Then back to cool & dry
Yet, out west, they still fry
Gulf is soaked w/ more to come
Still deny warming future, so dumb
50' space rock w/ flyby today
No worries, satellites in the way..
Sun still w/ lots of spots
Minor auroras all we gots 'GOP' on the stump
JD don't even know how to 'fist bump'
Stupid, awkward, dare I say 'weird'?
And, scary man, 'should be feared'
If Dick Chaney says be filled w/ dread
He'd know, he'll shoot you in da head!
Today On Earth

If fungi can get along
Why can't we..
Oh yea, puny god fights

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