Friday, September 20, 2024

Black Nazi? Low Stress Trump? Jumbo Shrimp? Oxymorons Abound!

NC: 'black nazi' running for governor
Lyin' trump w/ the lower stress cure?
Lt. Gov. Robinson, views do say nazi
No surprise, hours of porn he'd go see
Now, poser for jesus, deep in hypocrisy
Deep in denial, trump crazy, former GOP
Euro'Ho Melania, proudly showed her tits
Sold her soul, now her life is in the shits
Does she keep cash from any book sales?
Or given to keep felon hubby out of jails?
Shows the sadness rampant in the USA
That prez race is close in any way...
Every little greedy hand stuck in the pie
Won't accept any blame, give sharing a try
Billions planning that death will be great
Seems their gods are ok w/ evil & hate?
Still funny, hezbollah so sneaky w/ pager
Killer jews w/ the booms as an upstager
All back to trump, Iran off sanction hook
Gave Afghanistan to Taliban, w/o a look
He's right, w/ him, been no Ukraine war
He'd have let lil vlady in the eastern door
Poland & Baltics be stuck in Rusky again
NATO members states, numbers be thin
Speaking of thin, (not USA) quakes today
Not many rocks movin' which a'way
Comet gradually coming into view
Acorns dropping, way more than a few
Shrooms still popping, lovin' rain
Leaf fall pause, rain; that'll explain..
Nice to see the sun, again..
Today On Earth

Fungus be among us
Yes, that would include dooney T

Military Intelligence...

Thursday, September 19, 2024

2 1/2" Of Slow Rain..Thanks, Earth

While we got slow, much needed rain
Elsewhere, humans, much to complain
Europe got floods & fires, too
Hawai'i w/ lava oozing on through
Lebanon, pagers set up to blow
Avoid jew detection, it won't so
Thought they were clever, were not!
Allah's protection, don't seem so hot
Lyin' dooney, says, he connects the dots
Evidence is clear, on his brain rots
Out on a walk, just laying right there
Copperhead, as if on a big dare
We had a discussion, very short chat
Now his triangle head is looking so flat
Stay off the trails & well out of sight
Then we won't be having a stick fight
20 volcanoes, mostly, the usual list
Another solar blast, Earth won't be missed
Warnings for pending storm in the Sea
Start in Carib, into Gulf to run free
Time will tell, as it always does..
Today On Earth

You or me, bitch
I chose me!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

No Name Gloom Lingers..

With 1 3/4" already in the gauge
You'd think, we'd turned drought page
But, creek is barely back into the flow
Side streams, they're still a no show
But, the forest does look more alive
After another gasp, dogwoods survive
No mention of a Texass quake
Did it happen or just a fake?
What is fake, everything JD says
But, dooney proved..lying pays
Racist haters will use any excuse
To turn their christian 'love' loose
Posers for Jesus riding hypocrisy train
Judge w/ vengeance, quick to complain
On their knees to suck trump's stubby dick
They are the problem, they are the sick
Earth still don't care, locked in w/ rain
Puny humans remain Earth's real bane
Planet will remain long after we're gone
Much will survive, just evolving on..
Jews & ARabs keep waging endless war
In a real world, no idea what it's for
Imaginary jehovah battles imaginary allah
As imaginary jesus crowd, quick to holler
Promised land? there is no such thing!
Ancient superstitions w/ very hollow ring
Just a reason for man control & hate
Women back in charge, that'd be great
Men talk of rights, but do wrongs
Craving power, singing same songs
Some saw auroras & Full moon
We have weather for a happy loon
Solar storm has slowed for a bit
Cycle peak, we haven't seen it..
Phone & watch update...then WTF?
Figure out what's 'new'.. good luck
Time for wander out into the wet
We'll see what's up w/ large brown pet
Today On Earth

Dog will sample most any water
It is in HIS yard..

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Name Rain..JD's Serving Curried Cat.. Harvest Moon!!

Hillbilly JD should check own house out
Cuz he's the one w/ immigrants all about
And, neighbors, keep your cat in eye shot
Or could be in Vance's own curry pot
He admitted pet story was 'created'
dooney, why shoot me? cuz you're hated!
Cuz you're a traitor & lil vlady's whore
W/ Euro'ho wife, never seen no more
Seems.. don jr. got a cocaine lisp
We knew his brain won't too crisp
Or maybe that's it, it is coke fried
Happy to look stupid, when should hide
Power is back on here, good job REC
Now just how much rain we gonna see
Texass got issues, all oily & self made
Cuz exxon frackers gotta get paid
But, panhandle in a shaky way
At mag 5.1, biggest quake on Earth today
Bad driver hits gasline, fire plume we see
Sure.. a woman can't get prenatal care
Too bad no poser for jesus w/ help there
Texass, not a safe place to be
Cops let school shooters just roam free
"I ain't goin' in there, I might get shot"
Yea..guns save lives.. in Texass; NOT!
Harvest moon, Super & an eclipse
Well, shadow, it barely clips
We will not see a thing here
Sky will be very far from clear
Auroras seen into mid-latitudes
Even as bright moon intrudes
Hurricane winds, feet of rain
Yet, storm gets no name...insane!
Yes, it is out there
Today On Earth loving this rain

what a classic!!
Fab 5 Freddie...

Monday, September 16, 2024

Helene?? Canadian Quake.. You Know... Earth!!

Mag. 6.5 off Canada's west coast
Seems, no tsunamis will they host
Well, USGS tsunami site won't load
Philippine plate..about to explode?
Not w/ quakes but Ghina's military
Billion+, think it's fine to be punk bully
Too bad can't get the peasants to breed
Cuz more slave labor they seem to need
Plenty of Asians to be had
Food/water/air issues all looking bad
TDS* capital invader, wife on disability
Sucking off public teat, irony he don't see
Still believing tripe he hears on the fox
Like the other traitors, put 'em in a box
Sun continues sending blasts our way
As our planet gets hotter by the day
We bitch & complain, lie & deny
Still won't look ourselves in the eye
No eye yet, but Helene's about to form
Hoping she'll get our rain back to norm
Problem is, back to norm means flood
Another flood plain trailer, full of mud
All looking for government aid
None happy when taxes are paid
'merica on trump economic plan
Steal, overspend, bankruptcy, man!
Maybe we need to start a war
Buy more drugs from a'far
Braid some hair, get a new tatt
Stare at a phone, where reality's at
Today On Earth

Lot of shrooms out there

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
they so proud..
they sooooo stupid
bet they ain't making jesus proud

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Carolina Low, Hawai'i Flow, Aurora Glow!

Solar blasts have zapped Earth again
Gibbous moon, aurora views..thin
Hawai'i shakes tells me lava is movin'
Maui fire warnings, they weren't behoovin'
El Salvador is rather shook up today
Even France got a quake in play
Unsettled Low just off Carolina coast
Hopes it brings us a big rain toast
Cool & dry is nice but we need rain
If a wet week, none should complain
We all know, the national whiner will
Poor fat rich guy, won't pay a'one bill
Can't land at many airports for fuel
Cuz rip people off, dooney's #1 rule
He & JD, quite the conspiracy pair
Mix in crazy bimbo, she's ready to share
Wonder if dooney gets to just grab away
Wonder how much she makes him pay
We know his wife's no where to be found
But, stuck, cash & contractually bound
Here, sun & clouds, wind w/ trees asway
All & all not a bad mid September day
We should all get out...
Today On Earth

Little Miss Pouts-A-Lot
It's all rigged
Nope, just...
Your brain ain't too big

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Still With The October Feel..

While most of Earth continues to cook
Here, we roll w/ quite a different look
Still hanging w/ the cool & dry
Although, that may soon pass by
Low off Carolina coast stirs to a'spin
Rain chances becoming much less thin
Could even have damp week ahead
Will take lots to put our drought to bed
Creek is back to small pools again
Amphibians looking to hunker in
Leaf fall is picking up speed
Got no water, tree got no need
Philippine plate w/ shaky edges today
Solar blasts will have auroras at play
Delusional dooney riding the lie train
Conspiracy tales bring Ohio pain
Schools close, TDS* threats abound
If loser don is there, chaos is found
Out west fires still spread & rage
Miss. valley floods far from final stage
Across pond, Premier League is back
Manchester, City is under Bees attack
Haarland just evened it w/ goal #8
Football action, never long to wait
Well, US version, lot of standing about
Soon commercial, buy crap! they shout
Hey, I do need some green chili..
Today On Earth

Chinquapins are ripe!
Letting go!

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
They are tripe..
Not in the know..clueless
Believe most anything...

And it's now 2-1 City..

Friday, September 13, 2024

1 Year Of WIFI!!! WOOOOOO!!

Even hunkered deep in the wood
I got WIFI & it is so fast & good
No more Verizon complaining
Cuz FireFly, the data keeps raining
Also raining, everywhere S & west
How high will Mississippi crest?
Malibu got all shook up yesterday
Fallon, 'wear crocs' shake goes away
We have shifted to fog & cloudiness
Next week rain forecast, will it miss?
Or will Low form then go retrograde
Either way, weather folks.. get paid
Francine disbanded but still a mess
Sad dooney lost bad, still can't confess
TDS* cling on, believing the lame lies
Perhaps, reality just too much surprise
Would completely undo entire world
Even jesus scam'd come unfurled
W/o crutch of drugs, religion or hate
Would reality just be far too great
Huge sunspot about to spin into view
Observe & hope..'bout all we can do!
Usual earthquakes along plate's boundary
Unlikely to make anyone need to flee
But, for a year
Photos..just appear
Still.. friends nearby
Still w/o WIFI
Soon, but not
Today On Earth

TDS* double down
On Stupid..

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
They'd deny it
But, be quick to try it..

Thursday, September 12, 2024

One LA Drowns, The Other Burns, Memes Flying

As delusional dooney rants about 'win'
Other GOP comments, seem rather thin
Cuz they all know, it was an ass kickin'
Seems, his lame lies, no longer stickin' 
SoCali LA sure knows warming is real
Bayou LA has a much wetter feel
Out west it's heat & fires that rage
Cajuns floating into the Francine stage
Sun has just hurled CMEs Earth's way
Radio issues but auroras may sway
PNG w/ mag. 6.3 quake slip today
Want big volcano action, it's Sangay
Or visit Guatemala: Santa Maria, Fuego
Still baby quakes around Puerto Rico
All as the dems dance about w/ glee
Coming landslide, beginning to see
Still, lot of stupid out in the USA
But, we gotta hope dooney goes away
Traitors already in jail, leader; gets shot
Take any responsibility, he will not
Sociopathy on full blown display
As TDS* fling conspiracies away
"Biden is dead, pets getting eaten
Voter fraud if dooney gets beaten"
But, fact check him, no use tryin'
If his lips are movin', he's lyin'!!
Today (and every other) On Earth

Didn't know this was legal
Glad it is!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
You're a moron!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Toss Out The Bait, Not Long To Wait!

Toss him the bait, off on a rant..
Crowd size tirade, resist, he can't
Last night, dooney showed his stupidity
Course, blaming moderators & ABC
Kamala tossed him any old classic crumb
He went off script, off the rails, so dumb
And, just like in debate against Joe
Had no answers at all, no plans to show
Then claimed, when he had told the truth
It was sarcasm, but..not if you need proof
Sarcasm is understood when it is said
Not days later, when reality you dread
You admitted it, just move on!!
Good news, ya gonna lose again
And, by a much bigger margin
Another big GOP loser today
More Gulf coast getting washed away
Another excuse to jack gas prices up
Claim, weren't ready, was so abrupt
But, if ya voted for dooney & bush
Welcome to your next storm push
World is warming & quite rapidly
Stick a toe in the Gulf water to see!
W/ more lining up in the Atlantic
Who's next w/ slow to get it panic
Hopes: Mar-a-lago is washed away
W/ debate & abortion, floriduuh in play
While Gulf prepares for the worst
Here, lovely but life w/ major thirst
Quake issues, Pakistan, Texass fracking
Hispaniola, ground also cracking
Haitian invasion has landed here
dooney claims, pets seem to disappear
Said he saw it on TV, believes it all
David Muir, w/ reality, dooney, a bawl
SpaceX, gonna open door & get out
Will door re-close, remains their doubt
Whew, dooney continues his loser trend
In Nov. off to jail we send
Our pathetic national disgrace
Russian traitor, w/ fake orange face
And, after TayTay endorsement
Kamala, to the White House sent
Today On Earth

Got lunch plans..
Here kitty-kitty
Now we know what in dooney's
'chicken nuggets'

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Can You Really Debate A Clueless, Weirdo Liar?

When someone lies, every word they say
Hard to converse in a normal way
Weird dooney saying kids go to school
Are taken & cut, a new sex change rule
And, his idiot DickSuckers lap it all up
He could pour the poison into their cup
And, they'd drink it down, say it's great
Fueling conspiracies, fueling their hate
Love the ones that think Biden's dead
How do they survive, once outta bed?
How do they survive their day to day?
Hope sharp objects are kept away..
But, sadly, these mo-rons all got guns
Happy to loan 'em out to wacko sons
All as Francine coming w/ reality dose
NOLA, near miss, not even close!!
Slowly upriver, a St. Louie stall
Water comes back, floods'll be tall
Still, we rebuild, on the flood plain
Over & over, again & again
Fires expanding, burning Cali down
Canadian smoke still in NE towns
Monster blast on sun, facing away
Remember, that star gets the final say
For millennia, humans worshipped the sun
Til, puny sperm donor jews killed the fun
Man-gods created, war & hate ruled
& still the masses are easily fooled
Now, idiots all stare at their phone
Whine to mommy, 'I'm so alone'
Mommy don't care, on her phone, too
Just blame teachers/cops, ain't ever you
Still quakes, round Ring, Puerto Rico
Nothing big so no waves will grow
Except down along the Gulf coast
Surf's Up, dude, ready to toast!!
Here, it's still waaay cool & dry
AZ deniers still set to fry
Anyone seen dooney's Euro 'ho' wife
Sooo, not what she wanted for life
Thought he'd dead, she'd be rich
Sold your soul, babe, ain't life a bitch
Today On Earth

So much of life on Earth
Cares nothing about us
Our issues, our punk-ass gods
Be here long after us...

Monday, September 9, 2024

Storms: Francine, Yogi & Dark Plasma!!

Yogi pic-a-niked in Asia, no BooBoo
(It was actually, Yagi
Don't be so naggy:)
Francine's coming, NOLA, right at you
Our star w/ new, dark plasma swirl
Right at Earth, seems sun did hurl..
Auroras coming into northern USA
We're sitting in another cool, dry day
Summer muggies, long swept away
Drought deepens, surface; baked clay
Pacific Ring, usual quake scene
Plus Texass, mo' fracking, obscene
Sucking out ever last drop of oil
Burn it up, watch the Earth boil
Got a good view of sunset in west?
Venus is low, but brightness, the best
Gorgeous w/ moon, 2 night ago
Waxing, moon, cranking up the glow
In 'merica, guns shooing up our schools
Bad parenting, was exception, now rule
Weird hateful parents, weird hateful child
Give Jr a gun, let 'im go wild
Won't make fun, if you got a gun
Even if social skills, you got none!!
Kid & dad, should already be dead
Use their gun, bullet in each head
Unmarked grave, not in the news
Gun for crime, death you did choose
Got no need for all this slime
Got 8 billion & a troubled time
But, mo' guns we make & sell
One big shootout, create our own hell
Planet don't care what we do
Can be idyllic or give us the screw..
Today On Earth

Green seems like a warning..
It would make you turn that color?

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Delightful Here... Less So Elsewhere!

Canadian High pressure, cool & dry
While out west, they're still set on fry
Typhoon hitting SE Asia in a big way
Washing lots of stuff & folks away
In the Gulf, Francine about to spin up
Houston to get another flooding whup
Shifting 'long Aussie/Pacific fault zone
In N. Cali, coming.. San Andreas atone
Still lots of shakes up The Geysers way
Daily, li'l Pacific plate outta play
Sun still blasting, tweaking our air
Auroras glow, Earth it don't care..
Starliner home, after a safe trip
Still, no way I'd get on Boeing starship
Rumor; dooney's prepping for debate
Chance he'll remember, it ain't great
Will whine & spew same old lies
Fake news, witch hunt his disguise
First means it's true, 2nd, he's guilty
TDS* 'posers for Jesus' refuse to see
Cross 'merica it's denial & blame
Rest of the world, mostly the same
Daily survival's what most folks face
Sadly, at our current breeding pace
Warming, famine w/ a big erase
3024, will there be much human trace?
No iridium line, just a plastic strata
Absolutely no help, amazon data
No vans, no boxes, no useless crap
Just us, tumbling into extinction trap
More & more & more..
Today On Earth

Ain't no sashimi like this 'round here!!
Gotta go west!! Way west!
To the shaky side...

*TDS -TrumpDickSucker

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Starliner vs MegaMillions..I Like Mega Odds Better

Sure, yea, Starliner made it back
Astronauts on ISS, still in the rack
And, Mega odds are extremely long
But, Boeing doors, attached so wrong!!
Be tough getting folks for next ride
Wonder..will fat dooney fit inside?
Still like every thug in the penitentiary
Screaming, I didn't do it, it won't me
But, like all the rest, he's guilty!!
Tuesday, another prosecutor gonna see
He'll be lying, insulting, rambling fool
Kamala will call him out, he'll drool
Course, drooling & farting is his gig
Under that crazy blonde wig
I didn't realize, he really does smell..
And, you don't have to get close to tell
Bad combo of BO, old, breath & gas
Reeks like a 4 day old bass..
7 quakes at or above mag. 5
Cali, Geysers coming alive
I've seen that geyser shoot into air
Perfect timing passing by there!!
Weak front coming thru today
Little chance any rain will play
Then back to cool & dry
Yet, out west, they still fry
Gulf is soaked w/ more to come
Still deny warming future, so dumb
50' space rock w/ flyby today
No worries, satellites in the way..
Sun still w/ lots of spots
Minor auroras all we gots 'GOP' on the stump
JD don't even know how to 'fist bump'
Stupid, awkward, dare I say 'weird'?
And, scary man, 'should be feared'
If Dick Chaney says be filled w/ dread
He'd know, he'll shoot you in da head!
Today On Earth

If fungi can get along
Why can't we..
Oh yea, puny god fights

Friday, September 6, 2024

And, The New Hottest Summer Ever... Winner is: 2024!!

Blowing past all the warning signs
Seems Earth has set its own designs
With high levels of CO2
This is what Earth will do
Trap more heat & get hotter fast
Rising temps, a century will last
Plus, 57 million tons of plastic/year
Waaay more than lying doonie to fear
Course, those Ohio farmers voted for him
There chance of rain remains quite slim
But, if they look in a mirror, they'll see
The reason for warming, it tis thee
Cuz if you put doonie in presidency
You caused the problems, no place to flee
Like deniers all along Gulf coast
Of flooding rain they can boast
Our amazing weather just won't stop
For days, even 80 we can't top
Be nice if some rain came our way
But, little in forecast..even week away
Extreme the normal, we don't get
Over crowed Earth, turned most to shit
Catholics, muslims & the jews
Having kids that none can use
jesus, allah & jehovah; all no shows
So on the hate & fighting goes
Few good shakes, of local concern
As ever on western fires burn
Rich folks in Call, homes on the slide
Build on active Earth, get set to glide
Yet, what we refuse to see
The problem is you, problem is me
We're all in on it, all to blame
We sell short, Earth w/ long game
Just taking another spin..
Today On Earth

Sunset - nice!!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Gators On The Move... North!!

While humans may deny global warming
Plants & animals are northward swarming
Gators into N. Carolina, VA is next
No, they will not send an arrival text
But, at some point, a pretty safe bet
Gator gonna eat 'em a kid or a pet!!
Floriduuh mo-rons, flooding scene
Course, they say, 'we ain't ever seen'
Shakes today, Bolivia, Indonesia, PNG
19 volcanoes listed, setting lava free
Africa, Italy, Iceland, round the Ring
Rift or subduction, Earth doing its thing
More solar blasts headed our way
Asteroid, near earth sky display
Early September, feeling like October
Thinking, no warming, you ain't sober
Hurricane season nearing its peak
And, nothing..which is a little freak
Atlantic however, remains HOT
We gonna get another shot
Just not
Today On Earth

Ready for freezer
Add cream cheese
Wrap in bacon..
Party..that's what I'm thinkin'!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

100°+ For 100 Days... Nice Phoenix!!

Since well before summer began
Phoenix was hittin' 100°, again & again
Maybe not a great place for a city?
But, we do build where things are shitty
Entire west coast is cooking hot
Gulf coast stalled, gross like snot
Didn't become a storm w/ a name
No big wind, but rain is 'bout the same
Here, we sit in cool, dry Canadian air
You need some clothes on out there
Jews & ARabs show off loving gods
Hateful asswipes dumping mo' bods
dooney trump commits 'nother crime
Blames victims, he's the king of slime
Happy to disgrace Arlington cemetery
Calls vets loser..& draft dodger he be..
Still the TDS* losers bow & suck
Any truth or reality, quick to duck
Earth didn't duck a solar blast
Bit of surprise, radio blackout cast
Even bigger CME's off other side of sun
Star's spinning, to be our coming fun
Atlantic still quiet, dust & cool air
Is chillin' storm formation out there
Only quakes today, barely at 5
Up in Iceland, hot spot still alive
Cali prime real estate on the creep
Why's the learning curve so steep
Build in places we really should not
Flood plains, plate boundaries, hot spot
Most, trying to survive, day to day
But, Natural Selection always at play
Planet don't care, you better..
Today On Earth

Doing fine
At 99
Bummed she couldn't go to
Flyin' Squirrel's game last night!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
'merica great??
W/ those sucker in it??
They and dooney
(rhymes w/ looney)
are the anchors 'round the neck
of 'merica..
But, they look good in pink
Seems..they'd suck lil vlady, too