Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Republichumps Cry: Make America White Again!!

Slime Prez dares visit El Paso
Even though residents say NO!
Last "Make 'Merica White Again" rally
Still owes El Paso: 1/2 million the tally!
Pig slime-bag still won't pay his bills
Lies & racist rhetoric still sends chills
NRA & Republichumps deep in denial mode
Credibility & morality long down the commode
Still blaming Obama for their mess
No concern for what's right or best
Driven only by greed & hold onto power
No ideas or solutions, giant crap shower
All the while gun makers rake it in
Nothing like getting rich on deadly sin
("Need a job", their twisted views
Sure, we'll build chambers to gas the jews)
One quick way to stop attacks
States just add $1 per bullet tax
Wanna shoot your gun, then pay
But:( would make gun stores close today
We have enough guns in USA
To blow rest of the world away
Guns'll add 100 more to morgues today
Thanks, to all the slime at the NRA

First quarter moon about an hour ago🌓
Tonight in Libra♎ for a quick show
Then on towards Jupiter still in Scorpio♏
Eastward on, the moon does go
Hot and muggy with storms around
Lightning seen, too far to hear thunder sound
And, of course, here, no rain coming down
Creek is shrinking, looking brown
Standard quakes around Pacific Ring
And, Oklahoma, doing fracking thing
Boundary zones where rock is moving
Earth just doing its daily grooving
And, still we humans pump carbon out
Dump tons more plastic in oceans, no doubt
Droughts, fires, monster storms
Rapid change, the new Earth norms
Just a big rock flying through space
Caring not about human growth pace
Planets change fast and slow
Water's here but Venus & Mars know
Water and life can come
And, water and life can go!
Still, the planet won't care!
Hope you're able to dodge the bullets
And, get out and enjoy
Today On Earth

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