Wow, there is a sunspot and it's big, easy to see with the rain and clouds gone through my eclipse glasses; big, massive, dwarfs Earth. Hope it doesn't get too wild and explosive. Time will, as always, tell.
Front is through, bigger storm center way north of here, next rain chance is Monday with December and winter like temps behind that boundary. But, a toasty warm Thanksgiving day! Let's hope a few families, intent on gathering, have a chance(and do) to eat outside. 181,000 new TrumpVirus cases yesterday with 2,313 more dead Americans - hopefully, all TDS* non-mask wearers..alas, that is likely not the case. More likely young idiots, killing their parents and grandparents, stupidity..always the parents fault!!
A 6.1 quake undersea down near Antarctica, Puerto Rico area with some larger than normal quakes but mostly no quake issues.
Volcano list with 18 this week: 5 in Indonesia, 4 up Kamchatka way, Meso and South America usual erupters, but, nothing looking ready go big. Give thanks for that.
Stay safe, be smart, mask on, stay apart - better a quiet Thanksgiving than an ICU xmas!!
But, a safely spaced walk in today's warmth, nice!! Today On Earth.
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