What we have come to realize this year, our house of greed (cards) economy is based on shopping and partying; epitomized in today's street (ad) name, Black Friday. Called that because most retailers apparently are in the red until today, when the xmas shopping frenzy gets into full swing and stores are flooded with suckers dreaming of bargains. So, big business tops off their greed tank and the average American goes deeper into the debt cycle that our economy thrives on.
The partying segment has also been quite evident this year, bars and restaurants are a huge portion of the mostly unskilled job market and economy as a whole but also the perfect spreading site for the TrumpVirus. The young and dumb don't like being told they can't go out and party, faces uncovered, unconcerned about taking death home to the grandparents. Thanks, kids!
All the while, Earth spins on, with an atmosphere, slowly changed and poisoned by the waste products of big business greed, that continues trapping the heat beaming our way from our nearby, recently more active, star. The life sustaining oceans now polluted worldwide with our trash, in particular the oil derived plastic working its way into and up the food chain as well as ongoing indiscriminate killing of sea creatures of all shapes and sizes from yet broken down plastic trash.
Tens of thousands of years of ice, stored fresh water, continues the rapid melt, raising sea levels but lowering river levels, especially where most needed, badly overpopulated Asia. What does flow on the surface is also polluted with everything from flushed prescription drugs to industrial chemicals to invasive species.
Greed has a price, all feasts end. I fear the TrumpVirus debacle is just the tip of the iceberg as we continue to careen, full speed ahead on our human Titanic through the ice field. Hope that more and more will be part of the solutions, less of the pollutions..but, it ain't looking good.
Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic lead the world shake scene today. Otherwise, not much going on. Mild weather continues here in the southeast but December's arrival is forecast to be a stark dividing line 'tween Fall and Winter...albeit, likely just a short cool down, the planet just isn't that cold this far south anymore!
I can still see the sunspot, sitting at this table, inside, with eclipse shades, it's big; so far not too eruptive.
The moon and Mars were sweet in the evening sky last night, check it out tonight. Saturn and Jupiter are closing quickly; I can no longer get two fingers at arms length between the two, just one. They haven't been this close in hundreds of years and won't again for hundreds more, watch it happen, Tonight Off Earth!
Until then get out and enjoy the November warmth, safely, Today On Earth!!
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