Still a nasty quagmire in ole DeeCee
Here, finally, clearish skies I see
Humidity is on a steep decline
Cooler air, feeling mighty fine
With cooler, drier air & 1/4 moon
It must be, almost summer, June
Another black man killed by cops
Hard to say when protesting stops
As usual, prez with an idiot tweet
Sending more folks out into street
And, with no real leadership
Civility will continue to slip
Farther away
Every day
Virus death count still on the rise
Still, prez don't care, no surprise
Least, twitter callin' him on his lies
And, rants of all he does despise
Closing in on 2 million cases
Yet, assholes, no masks on faces
Another fun fact for you
More dead, than all wars since WWII
Yet, prez claiming again
Great job, for him, a win!
Planet a little shaky today
This next to last day O May
5.6 along Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Lava moving rock a smidge?
Aussie/Pacific plate boundary
Still acting very shaky
Indian plate also in on action
Himalaya mountains, the reaction
Aftershocks usual US locales
PR, Nevada, Idaho, quake pals
Time to get out & about
To the neighbors a shout
And, a dog retrieval
He is a retriever
But, I'm constantly retrieving
Today On Earth
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