Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Not Long To Wait-a, Here Comes Zeta

American cops are maintaining their average; at least one black person a week has been killed by a cop this year. Not the average we are going for, though. Monday's bullet barrage of an obviously, disturbed guy with a knife certainly falls deep, deep, deep into the over doing it category. If you can't taser a guy with a knife, while keeping yourself safe, you shouldn't be a cop.
Sure, questions to answer, if troubled why is he off his meds, why does he have a knife, who should have been keeping a handle on him...but, the hale of bullets was such overkill, and they did..kill him, and those cops should be locked up!! Yea, it's a tough job, underpaid and under appreciated, but you can't just gun down people with knife in a bullet storm.
Speaking of storms, Zeta and Billy rage on. Billy trashing the southern plains with ice and snow and cold and Zeta, after a cruise through Cozumel, is headed to New Orleans and with a rapid forward pace, will bring big wind, far inland..and rain and flooding and surely tornadoes!! We await its arrival tomorrow, time to hunker down even further.
Once finally up today, I spotted something I haven't seen much of this summer season (yea, it's late October..), a black snake. 4'ish, minding his own business, although I'm sure on the hunt for something bird-like. Breyer gave him a distant sniff, listened to me when asked to leave it alone, we came in, I poured a cup of coffee and looked, snake was long gone. Breyer did a brief sniff about but didn't really seem to care (Hershey went somewhat ballistic when she spotted a black snake). I am good with black snakes, they eat mice and don't like copperheads! Glad to see him.
That also tells you have warm it is today - well into the sixties already, likely 70's later, depending on the sun burning off the mostly continuous 4 days of fog and clouds. It just got brighter 🌞.
Another 74,000 new TrumpVirus cases yesterday with another 983 deaths as our "leader" makes fun of it and continues to blame the media for even reporting it. Still 11+ million people without jobs in this country, evictions are up, suicides are up, murders are up, domestic violence is up, depressions cases rise, small business continue to go away, with no help coming from republican who instead rushed to jam through a cultist to the court to make things even worse by shutting off health insurance to millions and allowing insurance companies to kick the 100+ million of people with pre-existing condition off their roles. Can't make billions if you gotta pay claims, and come on, insurance isn't there to help people, just to enrich a few - the American way. State sponsored and supported GREED!!
A little more average earthquake day, Aussie/Pacific boundary island arcs, Aleutian island arc and west coast of South America, which is basically an island arc on a continent - ocean plate subduction but under a continent not another ocean plate. Still well into magnitude 5's but likely no major issues. Although, the 3.9 quake that just happened out in west Texas surely rattled things pretty good there. Keep on fracking, keep the oil flowing, the CO2 growing, come on, what's more important, a livable planet or oil exec staying filthy rich.
Out in space, the new solar cycle is heating up, a new, big sunspot just formed (only 8 times the size of Earth - the sun is really big -it's a star!!) and a CME from another region will graze Earth Sunday. What will zap the grid first, russian hackers or the solar wind?? Stay tuned, it's a wild solar system and we are close to the nearby star:)
Tonight the nearing Full moon will be pin high to Mars. Clear skies should make for a gorgeous sight. Below Mars tomorrow - Full and blue (not the color, the rarity) on Halloween!
Snow, hurricanes, wild fires, raging pandemic, nice job Donny - America is sooooo not great on your watch. And, it has been a watch, cuz other than waste tax payer money on you pet, unfulfilled goals and paying for your law suits and lies, you have spent most of the last 4 years watching, watching the lies on the fox as the country you took an oath to protect and serve has spiraled down, down, down, down. Republicans make a mess enriching their kind, Democrats clean it up, Republicans blame them, make a new mess, Dems clean that up but just aren't nasty enough to stand up and place the blame where it lays - Trump, Bush, Bush, Reagan, get the pattern -but as long as it doesn't effect comfy white folk too much, there is no change, Today On Earth!
Let's hope for nationwide nasty weather next Tuesday as dumbass republicans wait late to vote in person, may your cars skid off icy roads, may you stand in long lines in the rain (oh yea, there are no long lines in republican districts)... and may all you rally goers die slow painful TrumpVirus deaths after attending the super spreader lie-athons. 

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