10 years ago, with help and support from my sister (and my neighbor in getting a grave dug in the rock hard August ground) we said our good byes and took my sweet Hershey girl on her last vet ride. A former student helped get her body in the car and she was buried in the front yard of the tirehouse, her house. I was so sad and so guilty for 18 days... then our world, and the entire East coast, was shaken violently by the 5.8 Mineral earthquake and my guilt subsided, I had done the right thing.
As my neighbor said that day, too bad we can't treat our family members with the same end of life dignity and decisions when the quality of life is long gone, the end so near, as we do our pets. (Pathetic irony: those that claim to "believe" the most, cling the longest...hmmm. Those that enjoy life move forward with the reality we all know is coming while those that disdain life, boasting of the glories of death won't let go...hmmmm)
As I watch the Big Brown Breyer dog slow a bit, I, again, begin the dread, the reality, that all pet owners face but with hope for many more years to come for my tomato sneaking rascal. He is a sneaky dog!! But, so sweet, just waiting for the next belly rub.
60 this morning as the big Canadian High continues to hold and push the coastal low farther offshore. Low humidity, coolish days, not atypical for early August and always welcome. Heat and reality return next week, storms begin to take shape in the Atlantic; summer far from done.
5.3 the biggest shake around the planet today, calmer than the last few. 19 on the volcano list but none of the usual blasters are there??? and many are listed to say that nothing much is going on. Indonesia's Merapi and Sinabung still blasting away, Iceland's flows have slowed a bit but more basalt is oozing and building. Otherwise, no big volcano issues.
Another 112,000 TrumpVirus cases, Delta all the rage; 725 fewer Americans as of yesterday with deSantos' Florida leading the way, way to deny reality and keep killing voters, Ronnie. Maybe stop in and give donnie the douche a quick suck, tell each other some more lies; maybe the fat, disgusting liar will stroke out. Vaccination rates are suddenly waaaay up again, mostly in places still stuck in the big lie - get a shot, don't die, seems simple but when you are hateful, racist and simple...hard to imagine what goes on in those 100 million unvaccinated heads...
Sunspots numbers are way down but couple of holes in our star's atmosphere will allow the solar wind to kick up a bit in our direction, little aurora action way north & south. Perseid meteors are already picking up; peak is on the night of the 11/12th but lot of comet debris out there and Earth is flying through it, after it's good and dark, good chance you'll see a shooting star as that debris enters our atmosphere and ignites!
So, go give your favorite pet or person a hug, tell 'em ya love 'em and maybe rub their belly, but don't hesitate to shoot a squirrel, a nasty pest those tree rats. Enjoy the cool & dry, if ya got it (I know they don't out west as Cali sees another town burn to the ground), it's August, we know it won't last but we'll take it, Today On Earth.
Ten years later, Denny's gift to Hershey still blooms, miss 'em both!!
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