Friday, November 1, 2019

And..It Feels Like November

November came storming in
With cold air for the win
Frost surely coming tonight
Garden soon a pulpy sight
My trails covered in debris
Every step, more to see
And, knock out of the way
Clean up'll take more than today
Time for plants in pots to come in
If bloomin' it needs protectin'

October, started in major drought
Earth changed, ended in washout
7.5 inches, all in second half
Good with rain, needed Earth salve
Creek again full and flowing
Will continue with no leaves growing
November looking like rain-free start
Time to pile some leaves in the cart
Or blow them into the woods
Providing winter critter housing
Hunkered under til spring rousing
Just don't burn 'em, got enough CO2
With fossil fuelers lying to you
And me
Anyone they see..
Not our fault
We'll never halt
Ohh, but they will
Change is coming still
Keep skipping & protesting kids
Til we get some realistic lids
Pussy ass greedy bitches
Like prez, blaming snitches
For telling the truth
Need a lot more of that
Today and everyday on Earth

Philippines, more aftershocks
Off Nicaragua, mo' slipping rocks
W. Eurasian boundary shaky today
But, nothing major in play
Crescent moon near Saturn tonight
With Jupiter & Venus lower right
Need binocs & good western view
Cool & cloudless, light could get thru
Better bundle up, it'll be cold
No air moisture for heat hold
Whole US in deepish freeze
And, still politicians wheeze
So, we caught him, still no shame
Caught red handed, accept no blame
Say all is perfect, then repeat
Claim unfair how we treat
Your Punk'n Head slimy ass
Convict, then lock them all up fast
All republichumps are traitors
To Mar a Lago, feed to gators!!
Or ship 'em off to Moscow
Then off to gulag they go
Spineless, the whole lot..
That's it, all I got
Today On Earth

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