Monday, February 25, 2019

Florida Cools, New England Hammered

Northwest winds and hazy sun
End Florida's 80 degree run
Still in 70's so not complaining
Cold front through is the explaining
Big monster storm that hammered the east
Has moved up to New England: still a beast
Fairly quiet day of earthquakes
PNG, Tonga, Mid Atlantic biggest shakes
Morning planet show is fine
Venus, Saturn, Jupiter in line
Venus is so bright, almost insane
Two mornings ago, thought it a plane
Pretty cool to see the two bright stars
Sirius very close, Canopus very far 
Both way brighter than our sun
But, Canopus by far the brightest one
And giant, too, almost engulfing Mercury
If in our solar system it happened to be
Which means there'd be no you or me
But, life on Arrakis, fremen do see
For Canopus is the star of Dune
A desert world where sandworms swoon
Fiction (or not) it's too far away
So on Earth, we get to play
And, everyday!

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