While Hawai'i and Iceland ooze, St. Vincent's volcano is in blast mode. Two eruptions yesterday sent residents fleeing. What did they think all those warning quakes and a bulging magma chamber were building to, calm?? How many will want to bring their troubles and woes here?
Migration is only an option if there are places to go... Plants and animals are going up and north (or south) to cooler climes, humans leaving the mess they created back home to go add to the mess elsewhere; still with the millions of sad faces we don't get that there are just too many faces. If you can't plan for and then care for one or two kids, don't have kids.
This "teen" salamander, one of five I saw yesterday, was out looking for love, family planning, too!!
Thick fog here this morning has given way to clouds and it's still cool; we remain on the cool side of the front. All of that will change as the larger stronger cold front arrives later tonight. The south is getting hit with tornadoes, likely right now. Up north it's snow. Ya gotta love spring!!
A trio of low mag. 6 quakes along the northern edge of the Aussie/Pacific plate, no tsunami warnings. Scattering of 5-ish quakes around other plate boundaries, Pacific northwest US/Canada and east Texass..not sure what's up with that. A guess would be subsidence from oil & water extraction..NW is little plate boundary and long overdue for a big shake.
Sun remains quiet, moon close to passing 'tween us and the sun, New, which happens tomorrow. Jupiter and Saturn are in the morning sky but I haven't seen them; mostly cuz I'm not up then:) Venus is still hidden behind the sun and will not be easy to spot until late this month and into May. With clouds and rain here, there will be no sky viewing!
I received Moderna shot #2 yesterday, sore arm today but that's about it. USA still running at about 1,000 deaths/day from TrumpVirus; another day with over 80K new cases, we just don't get it. Self centered denial is not a good look for a "great" country. Cali now over 60,000 dead, NY over 50K with Texass close behind and gaining, way to go Greg and Ted. Feeling better with second shot but I will not be rushing out unmasked, Today On Earth!!
With my new selfie stick...:)
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