Louisa's now a safe place for a gun
So, if you know a gun on the run
Send 'em down for shoot-em up fun
As for following rules, we are done
Last night the board made it clear
We'll have guns & no tyranny here
Speakers made clear, ready to fight
They above all know what's right
Don't care about no majority
Don't like it, you can flee
Sad reality, it don't matter
100 American brains will splatter
Today & everyday in USA
Gun & bullet will have last say
And, so what if laws are changed
Just be ignored by minds deranged
Eat, drink or text on a drive
Watch out if you want to stay alive
Do what I want, take what I see
Rules written for you not me
Hard to get that attitude to stop
When it comes from the top
Punk'n Head prez, tyrant wanna be
Casually deny what all can see
Who ever caught me is who I blame
Pussy ass bitch, got not shame
And, followers think that's ok
Long as they get their way
Tomorrow, another 100 dead
In a USA of fear & dread
Still the Earth, just don't care
Dumping snow north of here
Cool with some clouds in VA
For a few days, no rain this way
Quakes of 5+, Indonesia & PNG
Biggest on the list, 6.0 in Chile
Average day on world of plates
Boundary pressure builds & waits
To be released, move around
Send shock waves, get shaky ground
Hope you stay earthquake free
And, that no bullets you see
Or let's get real,
That you feel..
Today On Earth
Sun, Earth, Moon right angle tonight
First Quarter moon, the sight
Saturn & Venus draw ever near
Jupiter slinking out of here
Mars & Mercury low in SE
For pre-dawn risers, at least
Dawn or dusk, check out the sky
Cuz it's gorgeous, the reason why
Anytime, during our daily spin
Always something, don't matter when
Today or Tonight, on or off Earth!
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