Thursday, October 4, 2018

Summer-Like Fall Heat

Another warm day in central Va., the extended summer season rolls on. A weak cold front is going to change that later today with a chance of showers/storms and a cool, cloudy, damp Friday is coming. The weekend will be cooler than today but with still have above average temps as will most of next week. Forecasters and their models are looking for a big cool down by the second weekend of Rocktober. Likely a more common start time for fall weather on a rapidly warming earth.
Saw the clip I've been showing to students for years, predicting drowning Miami under tropical waters from the Frank Capra made for education movie, The Unchained Goddess, on the news last night. 60 years ago!! The predictions for change have been around for at least that long, with good changing atmosphere data but...when your economy is greed-based on oil and coal and now natural gas, change is unlikely until...well, I wish I knew what will trigger wholesale changes; likely water in the streets of NYC, Boston, Miami, Norfolk, LA, Seattle and San Fran that doesn't recede from the king tide. Naaaaaaa, not if gas is still cheap!! Keep on Fracking!!
21 volcanoes on the new list (last week's action) with Indonesia still leading the way with 6 belching, spewing mountains; and earthquakes and tsunamis, too. No wonder there are 280-ish million people there. Who needs family planning when you have volcanoes, quakes and tsunamis to control overcrowding! The archipelago next chain down the island arc, PNG, has three active volcanoes, Kamchatka is down to 4 for the week and the US hangs with 3, two getting busy in the Aleutians and a much quieter Kilauea in the 50th state. Etna is back on the list in Italy and Piton off Africa is still at it but has slowed the flowing lava. It's hot inside the Earth and cool on the surface and since heat always moves to cold, guess what, let the heat out!! Same basic idea as a hurricane, typhoon; move the heat from the equator toward the poles. Hmmmm, what happens when the poles get warm? We're going to find out, in fact, we already are. Hang on, there is more change acoming!!
Quake list is about average, 3ish quakes in the low magnitude 5 range but no really big shakes. Indonesia is still digging out and recovering and looking for help after last week's tsunami. Sadly, any help is a bandaid on a chainsaw wound, the real issue is overpopulation, both from and leading to bad planning and limited education and resources.
Until all first world aid is tied into contraception and better, smaller, family planning world wide, the problems and begging for help will continue. And, that's unlikely, with judgmental, close-minded, hypocrites in "charge" in this county (and much of the rest of the world) the population issues will continue to grow, fueling ALL other problems until...again, until what. Catastrophe! Proactive is always better than reactive but proactive doesn't make enough money for this quarter's profits, so why bother now!!
There's something to ponder on your Thursday. Get out and take a walk and check out your part of the planet, the solutions are right there, take only what you need and give back what you don't: balance, it's what the rest of the earthlings do (remember: every thing we share this planet with is an earthling, too, and we could learn a lot just checking out how our fellow planet dwellers do things).
Take a stroll and check it out, Today on Earth.

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