Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Bad News: Michael Jumps To Cat. 4

Hurricane Michael slurping up heat from the bath water of the Gulf of Mexico made the jump from Cat. 1 to 4 in less than 24 hours and is expected to batter the Florida panhandle when it makes landfall later today. Landfall as Cat. 4 hasn't happened in that region since Opal in '95. Storm surges, crazy wind, rain and the accompanying tornadoes will likely remake that region and with the size and strength trash southern Georgia, as well. It is forecast to take off and speed through the region and be swept offshore by the powerful cold front that is wrecking havoc on the plains right now. That forward speed will help, but many inches or even feet of rain is going to fall, especially in the Carolina's where the water has barely receded from Hurricane Flo. The track and speed will play into how much rain we get here, from less than 1" to several, with then, ensuing flooding. The rapidly warming planet is going to move the heat and storms like this, is how that happens.

Recently interviewed the mayor of Tangier
Made a couple of things quite clear
It was erosion washing his tiny island away
But sea level hadn't changed from back in the day
And, like his hero Donny Jonny the Chump
Global warming was just a big liberal dump
Mr. Conservative also thought taxpayers should buy
A big seawall so his island won't die
But, how could the idiot miss the connection
That it's from sea level rise he seeks protection
Cuz, duh, the erosion is from the sea level rise
His disconnect seemed to me quite a surprise
But then, he's trapped by the denial of his kind
Where fake fox news has shrunken his mind
Soon your life of raping the bay is gonna go
And, the crabs you been catching want you to know
They will be living on you soon flooded home
Sea level rise giving them more room to roam
Heads up dude, science is right, you are wrong
With rising seas, Tangier will not last for long.

Pretty shaky day on the shaky planet but while there have been quite a few quakes above magnitude 5, none get near 6. No real surprise locations, mostly Pacific plate boundaries... and Oklahoma. Volcano updated list comes out tonight.
Clouds will block sky viewing for most of the eastern half of the country tonight and tomorrow but by Friday the front and hurricane will be off the coast and the waxing crescent moon will be above and left of Jupiter and hanging with Saturn by Sunday night. The weekend will feel like fall and lovely for day time activities or nighttime sky viewing. Hunker down and survive the storm but get out and wander before it gets here, Today On Earth.

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