Sunday, March 2, 2025

And, It's Butt Cold Again..

Air masses come, air masses go
Some cold & snow, some a tornado
With it being warm & super dry
Parts of Carolinas set to fry
In the mountains & near the shore
Wind blown fires lapping at da door
Here, the warm is long gone away
Least we got sun but a nasty cold day
Moon & Venus show was a delight
Missed it? Kind of a repeat tonight
And, still can only see 3 planets, not 7
And, pretty sure, no pope's off to heaven
Too much evil, guilt, greed & hate
Pushin' overbreeding, that ain't great
Ethiopia back on the shaky quake list
Still volcano site, rift still ain't hissed
Solar blast will have auroras in sky
Private Blue Ghost on moon, Earth spy
Not sure I trust a Texass company..
Nor country wit on SNL, so not funny
In fact, I'd go..worst ever monologue!!
Must'a fallin' off the bumpkin log
But, the front blastin' in, mackerel sky
Was chilly to body, treat to the eye
Then..WNRN: Fresh Roots New Blues
Steve busted out the Mardi Gras shoes
Get the free app...then listen
Don't know whatcha been missin'
But, if ya ain't been out..
Bundle up!!
Today On Earth

Mackerel Sky!!
Prelude to Moon/Venus
Earth continues to dazzle

Another blog to check out
Bobby is AWESOME!!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Marching Toward... No One Knows..

In a little over 5 weeks time
Revealed: the truth of donnie's slime
Acting like 'they' had saved Ukraine
When 'they' had been quick to complain
About sending aid, upsetting li'l vlad
As 'leaders' the pair are both bad & sad
Wonder, if donnie knows what JD means?
Jr. Douche?? who's loyalty often careens
Hated donnie, first spoke the truth
Now on knees, in the sucking booth
Zelensky..good move to take a walk
Knows Europe ain't gonna balk
Lyin' donnie, again, w/ a true reveal
He's a blowhard bully, bad at the deal
But, steal & con & kiss dicktater butt
? 'Bout time he bought new Euro slut?
Seems current 'ho only w/ appearance
When Macron w/ WH clearance:)
Too bad her hubby hit on him first
Poor Emmanuel, 'mericans..the worst
All as Earth prepares for solar storm
N. USA might get li'l aurora swarm
Texass frackers creating bigger quakes
4.8...will create new brick breaks
Mexico, Colombia, Philippine shakes
Live on a boundary, evac plans it takes
We have another spring-like day
Tonight, front'll push warm air away
Anyone see 7 planets last night??
NO, cuz only 3 were in easy sight..
Bad phone news, it's how we got donnie
Can blow any bullshit out ya hiney
Some clueless mo-ron will 👍 & share
Scary when 7+ billion totally unaware
Of.. simplest realities, how Earth works
And, prayer won't help pedophile jerks
Yo Pope-y
If heaven's so good, have a look see!
Today On Earth

Still loveliness on Earth
but, we are trashing it fast!!