Sunday, February 2, 2025

Quaker Woodchuck Hoopla...

How'd Quakers teach a rodent to talk?
Why mo' winter, if at shadow, a balk?
But, it's a Nor'east wedge got us cold
With clouds, no solar gain foretold
Nearby star, lotta solar wind our way
At high lats, auroras'll dance & sway
Off Greece & Puerto Rico, in Chilé, too
Rocks are movin', it's what they do
Ethiopian rift back on the shake sheet
But, last night's sky..was really neat
Conjunction of Venus & our Moon
Add in Earth shine, full on swoon
Rest of night sky, sure, super bright
But, in the west was the real sight
🌒  🌟
Over the courthouse, the eye treat
'Fore I went in da O to eat
Earlier, if you looked down below
Spotted Saturn w/ its faint glow
Up in PA, with a big dose of salt
Woodchuck says, winter won't halt
But, NOAA models disagree
Tomorrow, spring-like temps we will see
Up above, in the space station
Still they linger, on 6 day vacation
Closing in on a full year
A ride home, remains unclear
If donnie cuts funding, may have to stay
He's already shown, that crime does pay
And, w/ the FBI getting shut down
Nazi/KKK your town
Least we know a lie, that he's got heart
Even bigger fib, that he's smart
He should follow adage, but he won't
"Tis better to be silent
And thought a fool..
Than open your mouth
And remove all doubt"
Sadly, what we will see..
donnie showing off his stupidity..
Today On Earth

Clean coal...that's funny..

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