Friday, January 31, 2025

That Is Some Fetch...

Moisture fetch, Gulf to Great Lakes
Mostly rain, the form it takes
Indonesia wins w/ today's big shake
donnie reminds, as leader, he's a fake
Diversity is the cause for everything
As RFK & Tulsi get the congress zing
No answers, deflect, blame & deny
But, dumbass 'mericans will buy
After a month, that's been pretty dry
Snow is gone, giving rain a try
News all crazy 'bout Potomac crash
dementia donnie, new thing to trash
Got no views, so why go on
Hopes for our democracy...gone
Today on Earth

I was wrong...
Still a hint of snow..
Gotta look close!!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

TOE Is Late..I Went Skiing..Blame Biden!

Short & no guarantee of sweet
But, skiing sure was a treat
Meanwhile, Texass w/ a good shake
Biden's fault, the GOP take
Plane & chopper w/ a crash
Biden caused them to mash
Texass quake & flooding, too
What's a good Texican gonna do
Blame it on Biden, policies to blame
But, donnie cancelled all, ooopsie game
Too stupid to know, might hurt GOP
Get handouts, too, not just tax free
Got no readers, time to get out
For a walk for rain all about
And, it's coming..
Today On Earth

Still snow yesterday
Bet it's gone today...
Joe Biden melted it...

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Goal Not Met...Blame Biden

TDS* standard; blame won't halt
Didn't meet a goal, it's Biden's fault
Too bad Biden failed to fix the mess
That donnie made, but'll never confess
Cuz nothing is donnie's fault, no way!
He's just perfect, what all TDS* say
But *TrumpDickSuckers been played
But, betting none wanna get weighed
Or let true racist views be revealed
Or play poker if donnie dealed..
Onward goes their biggest, hateful joke
Just what the hell do they mean by 'woke'
Man'xplaining like a poser for jesus does
Brains addled by fat & lite beer to fuzz
All as hole in sun sends solar wind here
Arrival time, on 31st seems pretty clear
Since we cut ties with the WHO
Next year flu vaccine, we won't know..
But, most of donnie's firing are illegal
But, already know, laws he's gonna jiggle
Rapist, thief, con man & traitor
Gonna have to pay, sooner or later
For now, it's Earth making us pay
Insurance, their easy money's going away
When'll bird flu make the big human jump
Then won't just be a chicken/egg dump
No vaccine will be allowed, reason..unclear
Cause space laser attacks..they fear??
Could we get RFK or MT Greene to xplain?
Will we all need a worm in our brain?
Earth's rock slippage fairly low today
And, warm temps mean time to go play
Cuz more extreme is on the horizon..
Not donnie's fault, we be surmising
Today On Earth

Snow 2 days ago
Most gone now..
All before today is done??

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

But, It's Illegal... He Don't Care!

Fat & stupid, our new wanna be king
Thinks he can just do anything
Fire watchdogs that protect us all
Immigration agents having a ball
Tracking down 10 mil, who go' pay?
'Home' countries won't take 'em anyway
But, he hates cops, secret service..
Take a break, saving him a disservice
We were so close, just a 3" miss
Now, on constitution donnie does piss
Unconcerned, the Earth & the Sun
Here, finally, cold run is done..
Sun almost clear...but coronal hole
Blasting at Earth, 31st, auroras roll
Tonight, just usual planet show
W/ colorful stars of winter a'glow
Twinkle, sparkle..flashing our way
Get out & look, once sun gone away
Tomorrow, moon will be New
In 2 weeks, alignment'll be true
Lunar eclipse, then partial solar
Aussie plate shakes, no wave roller
Birds outside, raking out the seed
Mid-winter, slim pickins, chow they need
Happy to help, frog is still hanging out
Happy to be wet, li'l watering drought
Outdoor water access..frozen still
But, melting w/ today's lack of chill
Today On Earth

30 years..still blooming

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Peek At February... On & Off Earth

January thaw, better late than never
A good little shake in Maine..
February 2025 - On & Off Earth

When those first flakes started to fall back on the first Sunday of the new year, few, certainly not I, would have thought their refrozen remnants would still be around on the last Sunday of the month. Yet, hidden in the shadows, throughout the forest and along the edges of fields, patches of snow remained. But, turns out, by the time you read this, that last Sunday kicked off our long awaited January thaw and those patches of snow are now groundwater.

The weather service forecast for February does not look promising for snow lovers. Their models have us swinging out of the deep chill and back into the warm zone for the shortest month. On February 2nd, another forecaster, a well known Quaker woodchuck, under much national media scrutiny, will be coddled into revealing one rodent’s take on what winter has left to offer.

Folklore is fun (Warning: “For entertainment purposes only”) but Phil’s forecast seems backwards to me. If he sees his shadow, it must be sunny. Yet, the shadow sighting means more winter ahead. A cloudy day, with no shadow cast, would tell me, that more gloomy days of winter lie ahead. My first February forecast; by Valentine’s Day, Phil’s forecast will be long forgotten.

There are very reliable forecasts for February. Every day of the month the sun rises a minute earlier and sets a minute later, gaining an hour over the month. We really can see the light at the end of winter’s long tunnel. That extra sunlight will begin kicking plants into grow mode, the drab shades of winter gradually replaced with hints of green and splashes of yellow. Forsythia and jonquils, sure signs that Spring is lurking.

February’s sky treats begin on the 1st. Barring cloud cover, step out that night to see the closest Moon/Venus conjunction (pairing) for at least a year. Venus’ run as the Evening Star is winding down and it will drop a little lower every night over the month. Earth shine will light the ‘dark’ portion of the moon as a bonus that night.

While Venus blazes in the west, high in the southern sky is an even more sparkling show. Jupiter is the beacon high in the south, it’s steady light outshining all the twinkling, colorful stars of winter. Sprawling below Jupiter is Orion, the Hunter, and a handy guide to the winter sky. The three stars of Orion’s belt lead your eyes up toward reddish Aldebaran and down toward the Dog Star, blue-white Sirius. Another red giant star, Betelgeuse, marks Orion’s right shoulder, blue-white Rigel, the hunter’s left knee. Not easily ignored, Mars glows red in the east, still paired with the stars of Gemini.

The moon joins Jupiter and Aldebaran on the 6th, slides over to Mars and Gemini on the 9th. On the 12th, the Full Snow moon will rise near Leo’s bright heart, Regulus. Will there be snow on the ground to reflect all that moonlight like there was last month? I will not make that forecast. I will predict that the sun will move from Capricorn into Aquarius on the 17th.

I did enjoy the snow, how it added contrast to the woods by day and then filled them with soft moonlight by night. The timing also worked out perfectly for a two day ski adventure I had already planned. I can’t say I enjoyed the long, brutal cold spell but I really wasn’t surprised. Even though it had been seven years since we had experienced an extended stretch of below freezing temperatures, extreme seems to be the new normal on Earth. February: we could be shoveling snow or gassing up lawn mowers.

One final forecast; with Valentine’s Day on a Friday, you will need to get your Obrigado reservation in EARLY!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday #4..Still Got Snow..

When the first flakes fell, 4 Sundays ago
Who'd have thought, we'd still see snow
No longer snow, more, glacial ice
And, in some places, no longer nice
Hazy sun, even w/ warmer air
To cause a melt, it won't even dare
But, a warm up is in the forecast
Likely, into February, it will last
Cuz our brutal cold, tied to warming
Super-sized storm, 2 continent swarming
Cali, wants the rain, not the mudslide
Earth w/ fewer safe places to hide
Bonus: San Andreas slips, Puerto Rico, too
Round Pacific Ring, subduction..not new
Blasts from our star, have fizzled out
In donnie's DeeCee, hatred all about
Doin' all he can to shut government down
Don't need a red nose to prove he a clown
Fake hair & makeup, wife loathes him so
Gotta figure, veins in his brain, ready to blow
But, that would leave us w/ j.d. of vance
Then truly, 'merica w/o glimpse of a chance
Still..Ukraine's at peace, inflation's.. gone
Mo' proof he's a liar..knew all along
While idiots stare at phone & believe
Taking their money w/ brains on 'deceive'
Only real future that is looking bright
Temperature 'over' as a bet, is alright!!
Today On Earth

Atacama desert of Chilé
Thanks Daniele Gasparri
Comet remains - Saturn - Venus

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Doin' A Double: Dixie & Dublin... Earth Rules!!

With lotta extra heat energy to spare
Earth shows it's ready & able to share
First, system hammered dixie w/ snow
Crossed the Atlantic, wind all a'blow
Rippin' up Ireland & the UK
Reminder: Earth gets the final say
You can lie & blame, deny & pray
But, in the end, Earth has its way
Like Cali's new coming mess: big rain
+ Baked fire soil = major mudslide pain
As usual, donnie lies, w/o hint of a clue
Once he tells a lie, rerun's; what he do
Hard to say what he really does believe
Decades of lies, he's into self-deceive
Screwed all, setting his traitor army free
How long 'fore 1st crime we're to see
Usual quake scene, local issues but NYC!
Actually, NJ but at 2.4, local talk..rattly
Solar blasts have faded or missed
Planet show viewing, get out, I insist
Readers...ain't got 'em:(
Today On Earth

Prelude to planet show..
21 days..still got snow

Friday, January 24, 2025

Cold Still Bold..Gettin' Old..

It got above freezing, but not much
Still lots of snow & ice & such
Solar blasts means auroras @ high lats
'merica..has rolled up the welcome mats
donnie's reach already w/ a slap down
"No constitution torching in our town"
Ignoring Cali's much needed aid
When po' red states wanna get paid
Cali cuts tax string, whatcha gonna do?
'You screw us, we can screw you, too'
Already, wanting troops for martial law
Cabinet, every brain w/ major flaw
Worm eaten rapists are donnie's crowd
Release traitors, truly Boys, why Proud
Elon still denying his nazi salute
In our schools, more guns, all shoot
At least, our cold is almost gone
Forecast, soon heat'll be turned back on
Got clear skies, planet show shines
Even Uranus & Neptune, not easy finds
Ethiopia, rift zone, ready to spew
So many pray, allah's help overdue
Poser for jesus, think prayers heard
Thinking dementia boy got the word
Better be careful when ya pray..
Seems..Hell is rushing our way..
Today On Earth

You know the rules..
Got lemons
Make lemonade!!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Felons Running Amok... And, That's Just The White House

Lyin' donnie, 'I support the police'
But, let their attacks free to fleece
The country & reform their gangs
But, dementia boy into evil thangs
Went to church, got ass chewed out
Had to sit & take wanted to shout
Squirmy JD didn't like hearing that shit
While their wives had to bite the bit
All as winds kick Cali fires back to life
Piles of snow cause deep dixie strife
Here, it's just cold, maybe last day?
As minor solar blast heads our way
Aussie plate is getting the squeeze
But, most quakes, just lil tease
9° this morning, fire out, house.. cool
But, wood stove's cranking, ain't no fool
Birds & tree rats in a frenzy, eatin' seed
Need gov. aid, might as well smoke weed
Round-ups & shut downs coming
All but a slimy few, serious bumming
Today On Earth

Looking longingly out
But, a wise frog, stays inside!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"You Will Salute Your Führer!!

As advertised, nazis are back in town
Elon, has no problem bowing down
Did nazi salute to close his 'speech' reich is now in easy reach
Dementia boy, silver eagles in oval office
"You vill now bow & you vill confess"
Proud boys are out & buying new guns
Democracy sinks into a setting sun
The actual sun, sending a blast our way
Turkey, with a pretty good rock sway
Saturn loses more sky to bright Venus
Mars & Jupiter, rushing by us
But, not too fast
Month's they'll last..
Earth, unconcerned w/ our plight
But, new extremes daily in sight
Like.. 8" of snow in New Orleans
Cross Gulf coast, new records seen
That's along Gulf of Mexico..
Just a reality reminder... Yo!
Here, it's cold but solar heating is on
Still days before old snow is gone??
Birds are chowing down, 2 tubes, done
Refilled, now to keep tree-rats on the run
It looks so nice outside
But, go out, from cold, can't hide
Today On Earth

Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau
From plains of Argentina
StarLink train, comet Atlas, Carancho bird

All TrumpDickSuckers
Please practice new salute at home..
No need to practice, they go it!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Is donnie Still Ranting On... & On... & On..

Ranting longest speech to smallest crowd
Dementia donnie w/ more lies outloud
Freed the traitors, then solved inflation
Living only in his twisted imagination
Back to daily spewing from a douche bag
Round 'mericas neck, a truly huge drag
All as piles of snow & ice
Make the Gulf coast less than nice
That's the Gulf of Mexico
Ignoring donnie's renaming show
Denali still Denali cuz selling a truck
Called a McKinley, you're outta luck
Sun, still growing sunspot, we could see
If nasty cold sky wasn't so hazy
Taiwan still shaking w/ aftershocks
As Ghina's navy prepares door knocks
Whatcha go' do donnie when they invade
When you really got no power to persuade
Another lie, your 'art of the deal'
All you've perfected is art of con & steal
W/ million of fat TDS* looking to blame
Any but themselves, it's truly a shame
So...promises kept, into day 2
I guess the Ukraine war is thru..
Illegals all quickly rounded up
Prices on all goods, drop so abrupt
No...all he really did, actually
Is set a thousand slime-ass traitors free
So.. can get back to planning insurrection
To prevent USA having another election
All as millions just stare at their phone
Ticktok, Ticktok
Ever on goes the clock
And, million still clueless...& alone
Today On Earth

Today's harvest
Added to seed drying..
Will they germinate??

*TDS- TrumpDickSucker
All they are going to germinate
Is mo' & mo' racist hate

Monday, January 20, 2025

Air As Cold As donnie's Heart..

It's so sad on M.L. King's Day
That a fascist future comes our way
W/ air temps as cold as donnie's heart
Earth's reality seems good way to start
Course, climate change'll be denied
But, 'it's so cold', excuse to be tried
Ignores the issue: extra heat = extreme!
We got cold but plenty of heat on scene
Hot & dry Santa Ana's set to return
Stirring embers, Cali w/ a re-burn
Add in snow & ice 'cross dixieland
Migrants not high on list of demands
Who knows what donnie will lie & rant
W/ Joe's pardons, 😭 vengence..can't
Meanwhile, 'bout 93 million miles away
Monster, unstable spot is ready to play
Ghina or sun could take down our grid
Then whatcha gonna do fake blonde kid?
Good little shake just offshore, Taiwan
Good comet viewing chances..gone?
Looking good now, but, like Icarus
Solar grazing does cause a fuss
Saturn is now below bright Venus
By February, rings be leaving us
Still bright, too; Jupiter & Mars
Even outshining sparkly winter stars
Real issue remains brutal cold
3 days below freezing, we're told
donnie'll claim, but Earth's in charge
He better pause 'fore claiming too large
Today On Earth

Spectacular comet ATLAS
Thanks Daniel Mello
Shot from warm Rio

Good luck 'merica
And, the world!
We're gonna need it..
How long will cease-fire hold?
'fore donnie or benny screw it..
Both jail birds to be:)

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Pre-Arctic Blast Rain??

Gearing up for an arctic blast week
So, semi-warm rain..a little freak
This storm'll miss north a bit
Next, deep south gonna take a hit
Even stratosphere.. clouds & cold
Pompous humans..
Earth won't be controlled
Santa Ana winds w/ minor lull
Into next week, maybe back to full
Unstable sunspots looking to blast
Facing Earth, we could be harrassed
Few quakes but only 2 even mag. 5
Standard Earth, li'l shake & jive
Still bummed TDS* will not freeze
For rest, our last day 'fore the squeeze
Unfulfilled promises list will grow
How many'll he kill this time, YO!
Covid deaths still slowly climb
Still millions, unvaccinated slime
Overcooked RFK 'in charge' of health
But, processed foods bring such wealth
Big food dishing: fat, sugar & salt
Stuffing it in, 'mericans won't halt
New poser prez, greasy macs & KFC
So proud of his morbid obesity
Huge disruption coming in the 'force'
USA & reality, coming divorce
Hang on to your ass..
Today On Earth

Here..rain picked up & sun came out!!

2 months..still hanging out!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSuckers
Millions of 'em
All like being lied to..

Saturday, January 18, 2025

How Will He Lie About The Crowd...!!

Fat dementia donnie in from the cold
Now what crowd size lies'll be told
All the sad TDS* came from so far
Now they'll have to watch from a bar
Drinkin' lite beer, bellies bulged out
Ready to show racism, ready to shout
Irony-blind on M.L. King's day
Ready to make any minorities pay
donnie ready to bow, suck vlady's dick
Ready to tell mo' lies...until they stick
1st promise that will not come true
Ukraine war: be over by day 2
Mid-East cease-fire, credit he'll claim
If nothing happens, Biden he'll blame
All as the reality he will not address
New extreme Earth, makes oath a mess
Was so hoping, out ranting in the cold
Pneumonia's bell, soon to be tolled
Cuz nasty blast of deep polar air
About to be felt, most everywhere
Snow in NOLA, dixie w/ snow & ice
Lotta fools won't take 'no drive' advice
Quake scene today, 'round Aussie plate
Li'l subduction, nothing too great
Sun still spotty, meteorite hits sidewalk
Cali fire nightmare, still rules the talk
But, polar chill will be in charge
So fun, into donnie's day it did barge
Suck it up ya lyin' punk bitch
Minor delay, sticking USA in a ditch..
Today On Earth

Fairy..not religion here!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
Would say you got played
But, really
dementia boy just made your racism
Sad times ahead...
Bombs away Ukraine..while you can

Friday, January 17, 2025

Saturn & Venus Snuggle..

As it gets fairly dark tonight
Lovely planet pairing sight
Venus climbs, Saturn lags behind
Tonight, side by side you'll find
Mars & Jupiter in the E & SE
Out in Cali, fires continue to feast
Not much quake action planet-wide
New sunspot may go to dark side
Grow huge almost overnight
Unstable & not an Earth delight
Today will be warmest of the week
Then, it's shelter you should seek
Cold w/ snow, then just COLD!!
Frozen world is gettin' old
3 rich geek stooges, inauguration day
Musk, Zuck & Bezos on display
To be donnie's pal ya gotta pay
Then kneel & kiss his fat ass
Pay & smooch enough, backstage pass
Only way any can get friends
Democracy...lost in fascist winds
Today On Earth

Cool, cold sky from Brian Loch
Up in N. F Dakota

Tooooooo cold for me..
Mideast cease fire...Jews won't go for it
And, dementia donnie will claim credit
Liar liar pants on fire!!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

No Solar Gain Today:(

We got the cloudy & the cold
Still got snow, getting old
High pressure remains in control
But, polar air is about to roll
Into the entire US of A
Heating bills, we gonna pay
Few quakes, only 1 even at 5.0
Sunspots, less stable, ready to blow
In an irony, GOP will look away
Inaugurate a racist on MLK Day
26 volcanoes still on the list
But, Ethiopia? must have missed
Cali, new fires, old still rage
Extreme Earth, we've turned a page
Coming tomorrow, li'l temp hop
For dementia boy's crowning, big drop
Maybe pneumonia'll take him out
JD..worse, spewing mo' lies about
Hang on..'bout to hit the fan
Petty, hateful, lyin' man
Today On Earth

Was more than a one dog night
But, use what ya got!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

US Cabinet: Rapists Only, Please!

Work for donnie, on resume tape
Better mention 'I like to commit rape'
Heavy drinking & an ability to lie
No one else need bother apply
Bring your knee pads, ready to suck
Praising donnie shows you got pluck
Wanna show dementia boy you got game
Be quick w/ excuses & heavy on blame
That's all it take to be in new GOP
Bonus: poser for jesus & spine-free!!
Outta fantasy land, on the real Earth
Temps steady rising all 'bout its girth
Well..not here & not anytime soon
Seems big chill the rest of this moon
Maybe a slight warming over weekend
'Fore Siberian air does temperature bend
That would be down & gonna get low
Locally, Earth put on a li'l shaky show
Mag. 2.8 quake in RVA's west end
Very shallow, shocks waves did send
Everyone locally into a mild panic
Sure, dogs & cats gettin' quite frantic
Out west, last day of Santa Ana wind..?
Before Pacific w/ an onshore trend
Sun remains calm, comet hard to see
And, no real quake issues there be
Coming news, the brutal cold
Coming prez, both stupid & old
Will the USA actually survive
How many citizens won't be alive
Last time, Trump+Virus killed
Bettin' to heaven
No one blathering about it..can say where it is..
Today ON Earth

King George w/ post quake blues..

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Playing Politics With Disaster... You Know.. GOP

W/ hands out, for more than they put in
TDS* w/ disaster extortion game again
Whyoming senator, where they pay no tax
(like, Why do we care about Wyoming?)
Wants money to Cali w/ strings attached
But, if Cali succeeds, Oregon, Wash., too
For an economy what'll 47 states do?
Cuz w/o COW states, USA is screwed
Then add own tariffs, donnie's tattooed!!
Greenland ain't joining, Canada w/ a FU!
donnie's gang of rapists, w/ a self-screw
Here, we prepare for 1st round of cold
Snows ok, but w/o skiing, kinda...old
Siberian blast coming early next week
Where January warm up that we seek?
Least my solar warming is working well
Screens on window, cardinal "to hell!"
Sun got spots but all that Earth can see
All seem calm, deep into stability
Doubt we can say same thing next week
Dementia donnie w/ a constitution tweak
Vengeance wrapped in stupid
    Not a good mix
He & his rapists buddies dumb
    As a bag 'O sticks
No big quake issues, Japan aftershocks
Ethiopia & Iceland, molten moving rocks
Hope you caught moon blocking Mars
Gorgeous night, w/ sparkly winter stars
Moon movin' on, Earth tracking planets down
Only Venus is fast gaining ground
Saturn & Venus getting closer tonight
Get out & keep and eye on that sight
Santa Ana' forecast is not looking good
Fires w/ keep burning all available wood
Today On Earth

Kevin Witman - from PA
Looks like they're gonna crash...AAAAHHH
But, they didn't!!
Missed by 45-ish million miles

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
You got played!!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Moon & Mars Set To Tango!!

It's looking like skies will remain clear
Dreaded cloud-out, the only fear
Full Wolf moon will occult Mars @ 9:15
Reddish Mars will no longer be seen
For an hour, then it'll re-emerge, cool!
But, to watch will need 'least 1 tool..
Binocs or a telescope to really see
W/ moon as bright as it can be!!
Castor & Pollux in a line right above
Jupiter in Taurus' horns, w/ love:)
Venus got Saturn drawing oh so near
Ringed world getting left 😱 oh dear
S. Japan rocked today w/ 6.8 quake
But, on shores no tsunami did break
Nepal & Ecuador w/ rocks on the roll
Sadly, Santa Ana's back on patrol
Condition right for mo' hot dry winds
Already 24 folks that are dead
But, w/ 62 sq miles of rubble bed
That death count is likely to rise
Shocked, at the mayhem, still surprise😱
Global warming & climate change
Long forecast of extreme re-arrange
It ain't coming, IT IS HERE!!
Dementia donnie will only increase fear
W/ no solutions, just denies & ignores
Too bad Earth ain't one of his whores
But, it's only gonna get wilder..
Least we got one day w/ milder
Today On Earth..

Li'l orchid on a winter day!!

Frog is still just chillin'..:)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Mexican Shake, Santa Ana's Roar!

As the Santa Ana's blow in hot & dry
LA devastation could make ya cry
Miles of chard homes now just rubble
Winds picking up, means more trouble
No easy answers on a planet set to bake
& won't even consider the changes to make
Like a fatty that won't diet, wants a pill
We just won't stop with the oil swill
And, on the religious 'believers' breed
Yet, from Earthly view, we are the weed
Exponential growth just will not last
Civilization crashed in the past
But, needed resources for 8 billion
Might as well try & feed a zillion
Desert SW where our lettuce does grow
Ain't got no water to show
LA w/o water to battle the fires
Seems in city management, lotta liars
Just like incoming administration
Boldfaced lies no longer a sensation
6.2 quake down in Mexico
African rift headed to lava show?
Sun spotty but quiet, grids won't fry
But, eye delights in evening sky
Moon, 1/2 way 'tween Jupiter & Mars
Tonight it closes, Red planet stars
Setting up for occultation Monday night
Here, 9:15pm planet, disappearing sight
Saturn, fast closing on Venus, too
Get out & look, whatcha gotta do..
Today On Earth

My little buddy is still around!!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Distract, Deflect, Deny & Blame... The Felon Game!

As a reminder...
Just like every con in the penitentiary
Screaming 'I didn't do it, it wasn't me!'
Our soon to be felon poser prez
Is still lying & denying, his main biz
If news is crazy about war in Greenland
They ain't thinking about..
Who he wants to put in command..
In 'not' shocking news, '24 warmest ever
But, don't mean we won't ever shiver
More energy just means more extreme
Maybe apple w/ a new screaming meme
Most of snow missed here overnight
Just a new dusting, snow less of a delight
Ain't going anywhere any time soon
But, bonus..get out for walk w/ the moon
Which'll be below Jupiter after sunset
Actually, it's there now, is a safe bet..
But, you need to be in the Middle East
Right Now..for that eye feast
And, far as I'm aware
No one wants to be there!!
Likewise, major exodus from LA
As mo' badly planned homes, burned away
Can't get insurance, there's a good reason
Eventually coming, flood or fire season!
Home in dry scrub, on coast or flood plain
Trouble is coming, don't whine or complain
Comet reports seem way overrated
Too close to sun, for view, don't be baited
Real show coming on 13th, block of Mars
All just below Gemini's 2 main stars!
Mars, Castor & Pollux will be in a line
Mix in the moon, viewing'll be so fine!
Ethiopia still got lava movin' quakes
Mexico, 5.0 reminder shake
But, snow walk I need to take..
Today On Earth

Gotta like orchids in the snow!

Hey, only 9 days til Ukraine war's over
The first of many broken promises..