Saturday, October 12, 2024

Floriduuuh.. Hurricanes..Duuuh

Floriduuh beach dwellers shocked
That their seaside world was rocked
But, voted for W & then stupidly, trump
So, surprise expected, if dumb as a stump
That insurance left town.. was a sign
That in near future, all was not fine
TDS* liars, throwing out the blame
Demand help but pay no tax, a shame
If donnie steals election, end is near
To bankruptcy & collapse he will steer
Quake numbers are up, but nothing big
Texass shakes from a fracking rig
Sun has calmed, auroras have, too
Thru twilight, will comet shine thru?
ARabs..shouln't piss of a hateful jew
Maybe, listen to Randy Newman now
Let's drop the big one, KA-POW!!
Boom goes Moscow & Tehran
Then lets nuke Israel & Lebanon
Melt Saudi sand, oil can just flow
Sure, let's set Beijing on ultra-glow
Then India, Nigeria; population control
Heat & rising seas, ends human's roll
Earth will be different, less diverse
If not trashed by war & greed curse
Future is racing our way
Too bad fools get a big say..
Today On Earth

Va auroras
Only thru camera lens..
Thanks G..

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