Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sun Is Nice But Delights At Night!

We may actually have a day w/ sun
But, at sunset, sky fires up the fun
Crescent moon parties w/ Venus
And, major auroras are upon us
What other issues will CME cause
Hopefully, no major grid pause
Quakes, on boundaries, sea floor
Pending storm on Floriduuh's door?
Reality denial starts at Gov's desk
But, no insurers will sign up for risk
Looney dooney continues the lies
Racist hate in a very thin disguise
Got no plan, well, just take us back
Set up post-loss capital attack
His life should be lived out in jail
Justice rules, democracy will prevail
Need to give Ukraine permission
To go into Russia..bombing mission
Kick lil vlady's evil ass
Like jews doing to hamas
And, hezbollah & soon I-Ran
Sure seems like, allah ain't da man
Nothing coming from all dat prayin'
That's all I'm sayin'..
Today On Earth

Shroom city here..
We should learn..
Both lichens & shrooms
Be here long after humans..

Friday, October 4, 2024

Solar Blasts - CME'S - Headed Our Way

It seems any readers have gone away
And, still I have so much to say..:)
Actually, not, but I do anyway
First solar blast will arrive today
Biggest likely a Sunday storm
Aurora's, blackouts way above norm
Biggest quake's off Greenland's coast
Virgin Isles also a minor host
US divided 'tween muggy or cool & dry
Front passage may push muggy bye-bye
Gulf mess not spinning but lotta rain
Water temps however, remain insane
Monster Kirk may go Britain's way
October will have much mo' to say
Here, it's muggy but nice to have sun
Nasty yellow jackets remain NO FUN
Seen no hummers for several days
Time for 'jacket' feeder to go aways
Hamas, Hezbollah, pissing off the jews
Simple solution, peace you could choose
Easier to keep religious wackos w/ hate
Cuz an ugly life leads to heaven's gate
LOFL!!! 😂
Death worshippers ranting all around
But, hate...could send'em all hell bound
So, just keep breeding then beg & blame
Earth's response will be the same..
Today On Earth

Shrooms don't care

Best wishes to everyone at
Albino Skunk Fest!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Volcanoes Spewing - Hurricanes Still Brewing

Kirk & Leslie, way out in the ocean
In the Gulf/Carib maybe less of a notion
Here, it's still cloudy, so much moisture
Sun later today? it remains unsure
26 volcanoes on the week's active list
Just heat escaping, Earth ain't pissed
Earth don't care, just a planetary thing
But w/ only one moon & no ring
Not as exciting as a gas giant world
But, sure closer when a CME is hurled
Minor auroras, maybe tomorrow
Helene's flooding, still heapin' sorrow
Comet shifting to evening skies soon
But in a week will compete w/ the moon
No serious quake issues today
Still a shroom explosion w/ drought outta play
Today On Earth

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Crawfish.. Annular Eclipse..

It's so wet..
How wet is it..
It so wet, a crayfish was trying to get into my house last night..
It's the New Moon, near apogee
Aligned for an eclipse, few will see
Annular ring in the S. Pacific
Graze S. South America, not terrific
Sun just hurled huge CME Earth's way
Forecast arrival will be Saturday
Tonga 6.6 quake..maybe tsunami
Philippines at 5.9, also quite shaky
San Andreas thru Cali, on the shift
Ever so slowly, continents still drift
Gladwell's new book, not shocking reveal
Floriduuh crimes, trump in on the steal
Helene's devastation really does amaze
Reality denial, we are in a new phase
CO2 levels are still on the rise
Temps are, too yet we show no surprise
Big oil payoffs, vote NO on any change
Misogynist greed, the usual arrange
Insurance won't pay, but we all will
Until we can no longer pay the bill
Lyin' donne elected, USA bankruptcy
No mo' Ghina loans will we see
Hope ya like GMO soybeans & corn
New hunting season, 'cattle' is born
donnie gets back in, collapse'll be quick
Schools/hospitals closed, no help if sick
His buddies will skim the cash & run
But, will be no place to have fun
All discussions, at the point of a gun
Chaos will rule if democracy is undone
Ports already about to close
Workers want a cut, getting the hose
From Helene's wrath, some will not recover
Sooner than we're ready, will be another
More TDS* saps will again say
'ain't never seen nothing like this here today'
Please send us mo' money..& pray
But, we'll the same stupid way
Today On Earth

Confused the dog..
So wet, it wanted in the house

*TDS -TrumpDickSucker
You know...
like lying, scheming hillbilly

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Helene Is Still The Scene..

Helene, the killer that won't go away
Jesus posers wanted biblical, got their way
Now prayers for help remain unheeded
Jesus, like allah, seems to have retreated
Dream & believe what ever lies you want
But, suck it up when reality does taunt
Solar blast has zapped Earth again
Indonesia & PNG on Earth's shaky skin
More storms brewing in seas worldwide
Got to 8 billion, but no new places to hide
Have raped & pillaged the entire world
Then are shocked when heat is swirled
Into a monstrous, raging, killer storm
And, it ain't rare, it's the new norm
But, hey, we're gonna rebuild
In the same stupid place
In the same stupid way
Today On Earth..

Drought is over...