Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Canadian Air Visits the Southlands

A big trough in the jet stream has allowed cool, dry Canadian air to spill into the Old Dominion for a lovely mid-week and will hang around until the weekend. A thin, waxing crescent moon is in the southwest below Jupiter and Mars and Saturn are the bright red and champagne "stars" in the southeast as the late dark of late spring settles in this evening.
It's a shaky day along mid-ocean ridges with quakes on the divergent boundaries of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A 6.3 quake rumbled in Indonesia earlier today and central America was recently shaken, as well. The week old volcano list is pretty normal and Ring of Fire-ish with some outliers on Reunion Island, in the South Sandwich Isles and Etna is spitting liquid rock in Italy. A fairly average week on the third rock out from the big nearby star.
Hope you're ride is going well and that you get out and enjoy what ever the planet has in store for your location, Today On Earth.

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