Seems a chilly start coming for 2025
Real question, will democracy survive?
An evil tyrant w/ a fast rotting brain
Mo-rons get to vote, can't complain
As winter snows may soon spread South
We await the vitriol outta donnie's mouth
What/who will 1st feel his vengeful wrath
US declares bankruptcy seems the path
Default on debt, try & borrow more
Take donations for his new whore??
Locally, roadside hunters, dogs a'loose
Me, I think safest to take a snooze
Need to run fan, to drown the shooting
As armed TDS* prepare for the looting
Still, we linger on warm side of boundary
But, by tomorrow, cold we will be
Sunspots ready to unleash blasts our way
Across northern tier aurora's may play
Hawai'i & Iceland on a volcano break
Want eruptions, Fuego is the tour to take
2024...far less than great..
All we know, warming heat we won't shake
Hang on to your ass..
Amateurs are on the loose tonight
Be wary
Today On Earth
Not convinced
Molly & Arti like the get up
But, good girls!!