Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year... For 20 Days..

Seems a chilly start coming for 2025
Real question, will democracy survive?
An evil tyrant w/ a fast rotting brain
Mo-rons get to vote, can't complain
As winter snows may soon spread South
We await the vitriol outta donnie's mouth
What/who will 1st feel his vengeful wrath
US declares bankruptcy seems the path
Default on debt, try & borrow more
Take donations for his new whore??
Locally, roadside hunters, dogs a'loose
Me, I think safest to take a snooze
Need to run fan, to drown the shooting
As armed TDS* prepare for the looting
Still, we linger on warm side of boundary
But, by tomorrow, cold we will be
Sunspots ready to unleash blasts our way
Across northern tier aurora's may play
Hawai'i & Iceland on a volcano break
Want eruptions, Fuego is the tour to take
2024...far less than great..
All we know, warming heat we won't shake
Hang on to your ass..
Amateurs are on the loose tonight
Be wary
Today On Earth

Not convinced
Molly & Arti like the get up
But, good girls!!

Monday, December 30, 2024

January 2025 - On & Off Earth

January 2025 - On & Off Earth

A new year lends itself to much reflection, we look back, we look ahead, we plan, we resolve, we dream. This new year, 2025, sees us looking back on the first quarter of the 21st century. For me, I look back on five years of writing this column in the Central Virginian. For all humans, we try not to look back on the five years since the Covid virus began its rampage around our planet. But, new years are really about what lies ahead, so let’s look at January.

A new lunar cycle is just getting started as the new year begins, the first easy to spot crescent moon pairs nicely with brilliant Venus on the 3rd. The Moon moves on to much dimmer Saturn the next night. The 4th is also perihelion, our closest annual approach to the sun. Completely unrelated to our solar proximity, the 4th also marks the latest sunrise for the year. Sunrises increase very slowly all month but sunsets increase a minute a day, every day of the month. 

As the month with the coldest average temperatures, January chills are the norm and at some point there will be forecasts, and hopes, for snow. It is also a rare year without a January thaw, a brief reprieve from the cold and a reminder of warmer times ahead. January also sees the arrival of seed catalogs. I just received my e-catalog from our local heirloom seed exchange, Southern Exposure. Garden plans made now mean early garden treats in the spring (if only I listened to myself).

Perhaps that will change this year as I have a new house guest amongst the wall of house plants I bring in for the winter. A tiny tree frog, remained calm, and came in with one of the plants back in November. I just checked and he’s moved from his spot against the glass up onto a plant, maybe time for a snack. I don’t know what he’s eating but as long as he doesn’t start singing at night he is more than welcome to eat all the little bugs he wants.

Even as the daylight increases in January, darkness is still the dominant feature. Get out on the evening of the 10th to see a bright gibbous moon beside Jupiter. But, find binoculars or a small scope for the night of the 13th. At 9:15 that evening, the Full Wolf Moon will occult, or block, our view of the red planet, Mars. Without visual aid, the moon’s glare will wash out the planet. With visual aid, the grey of the moon and red of Mars will be a visual treat. The red world will appear from behind the moon about an hour later. As always, hope for clear skies!

The last close sky encounter of the month is on the 17th when Saturn sits just left of Venus in the southwest sky. Catch it now, Saturn will be almost gone by month’s end. The sun moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn on the 20th.

I’ll close this month by once again saying ‘Thank You’ to the Central Virginian and to readers out there for the support and kind words over the last five years. Special thanks to Michelle D. for the push and to David Holtzman for taking a chance on me. And, to Mitchell Sasser and the current staff for keeping the tradition of a local newspaper alive and well. We all need you now more than ever.

One last reminder; Covid is not gone! After 5 years of heeding the warnings and following the protocols, current on my vaccinations, I felt the Covid wrath! As promised, the vaccine did it’s job and my symptoms were short lived and mild. It’s not the only health heads-up I received in 2024; stay safe out there and let’s all work toward a happy and healthy 2025.

And...just for the TOE: to dementia donnie, you piece of crap..thanks for the covid...hope you get it again soon...and stroke out!!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Vote For Trump Is A Voter For Winter Tornadoes!!

The votes are in & dixie shows
South wants mo' winter tornadoes
Voted for dementia, oil, gas & CO2
Never admit, giving themselves a screw
Global warming, that's a fake news hoax
Cuz on the fox, tell world warming jokes
But, explanation of monster storms, lame
On fox, science is a conspiracy game
What the gullible will believe is a shame
And surely, no way themselves to blame
Cuz their fat traitor hero's battle cry
Pile up the lies then deny, deny, deny!
Least sunspot & quake issues are low
It's just that wild winds continue to blow
Down Under, fanning flames, sinking boats
Cold front another day at dixie throats
More tornadoes likely today
Earth, not donnie, w/ the final say
Cuz a TDS* loves a donnie lie
But, lie to Earth, don't even try
Just be ready to hunker down..
Today On Earth!

Headline: Man City wins a game!!

Dresden..what a good boy!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker
Knee pads every at the ready!!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The TrumpVirus Lives!!!

dementia donnie's infection lives on
Racist hate & lies & blame never gone
But, the virus outbreak he ignored
Is still a widespread, semi-raging horde
Got the pink & blue lines yesterday
Told me, after 5 years, now I gotta pay
And, now the fat lying traitor's back
W/ democracy totally under attack
New constitution, the coming thing?
Install the mo-ron tweeter as the king
That is the idea w/ plan '25
Don't get on board, you won't survive
All as the planet just rages on..
Dixie tornadoes, mo' trailers gone?
Here, it's just rain, gentle today
Tomorrow's front, we get blown away?
Lotta sunspots, but mostly seem stable
Big blast coming, will we be able..
To shut things down & save the grid
Odds...Texass fries, took lowest bid..
Quake concerns, local, none too great
So, for next big shift, we all wait
3-ish weeks til all hell breaks loose
donnie out hunting w/ a noose..
Had majority, couldn't govern before
Li'l hope of improvement seems in-store
TDS* line up & kneel
Sycophants looking for an easy steal
Cuz at his core, he's a con man & thief
Unconcerned w/ any other's grief
Today On Earth

Swain NY. - skiing!!

*TDS - TrumpDickSucker

Friday, December 27, 2024

Aussie A'Blaze, Dixie, Up Tornadoes Raise

Used to be, spring was tornado season
But, a hot Earth don't need no reason
Down under, summer, it's hot & dry
Sell & burn coal, cut back, won't try
So, on the burn but got lots of money
No Koalas or bees to make the honey
Dixie deniers of any kind of reality
Beggin' for help after tornado spree
Hate the government, but no doubt
Taxes unpaid but hands always out
Texass freedom, ok to break the law
But, women's freedom, that they bar
Deep 6.7 quake under Kuril Isles
Too deep for tsunami, coastal smiles
Volcano list is very short this week
And, sun's spotty but not goin' all freak
Muslim students, get back in country
Before donnie travel ban they see
Or stay home & fix the problems there?
'Stead of bitchin' here where we don't care
Got enough issues w/ jews & jesus' crew
"My imaginary god's coming for you"
Or keep it in your brain, Do Not Spew
Keep on praying but help long overdue
Those lil' gods don't seem to reliable..
Today On Earth

SeƱor Frog abides

Lil vlady's goons...
Shoot down another airliner!!
Why would you get on a plane
Flying thru russky air space
Even during 'peace'
There's never peace in russia!! 
Bomb the hell out of 'em Ukraine!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

It's Boxing Day!! Wooooo!!

Not that anyone knows WTF it is
Archaic British servant biz??
In 'merica, it's take your crap back day
Didn't want, gave it to you any way
Hazy sun, ain't keeping my house warm
In yard, happy birds/squirrels swarm
Looking out, longingly, my pet frog
He's ok, but sure don't replace a dog:)
Round the big planet, not much shaking
S. Plains may just have Tstorms raking
Cali, 2 dead, big waves get the blame
Human stupidity, given another name
Stand on old pier to view 40' waves
That seems to me.. how stupid behaves
Every day, a chance will not pass
For the planet to kick some dumb ass
May have mentioned, Earth don't care
Fury or calm, hot or cold, user beware
Several poser solstice 'festivals' today
Jews & Africans put their 'story' in play
Not that anyone else really cares..
But, Big Religion..wanna get their shares
Get many to agree, continue the con
So pope & preachers blather on & on
And, on & on & on & on & on
Til Earth reality is up & gone
Just believe, we'd never deceive...
Happy for your lil boy to receive
Father Pedophile has a treat for you..
Today On Earth

Lil Miss Whitehead
Still around..
Cardinal city
No! Not the pedophile cardinals!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

December Two-Five, Two-Four

Tis the season, you pick, you choose
Deity celebration & drinking booze
Overeating, we'll do that, too
Unwanted gifts, will be a few..
But, seeing friends & family..
Today, seems good a reason as any
Argentina seems only quake issue, 5.9
Louisa knows the feeling, not divine
Solar blasts but most of them will miss
But, polar auroras, atmosphere insists
Likely some white Christmas' about
Some places may still be digging out
Clouds & cool all we've got here..
But, growing food pile coming clear
Tis the season..
Today On Earth

Dog and, now,  her dinosaur..

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Near X-Class Xmas Blast!!

Big sunspots, sudden instability
Far north auroras they will see
Kilauea is erupting lava again
Any quake issues, humans for win
Not one quake even shakes at five
But, big storm waves, not all survive
Cali coast getting hammered
Rain drops here, not enamored
Bird feeders already seed-free
Lotta birds chirping at me...
Refill complete, frenzy resumes
Bummer, 2 mo' slam glassy tombs
Careful out there, lotta crazy
For many, road awareness...hazy
Happy Holladays
Today On Earth

Inside or out
Begonias blooming!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

Today's to be deepest cold air blast
Cuz on warming world, cold don't last
Sun is low but, no clouds for the block
Few issues about w/ shiftin' rock
Greece & Cuba and in Africa's rift
On the sun, spots are making a shift
Turning Earth's way, remaining stable
Hawai'i, shakes, rising of the lava table?
And, then places to go
Things to do
Today On Earth 

My frog buddy..
still hanging out...

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Bang Bang...On The Door Baby!!

"You're WHAT! Tin roof..rusted"
For persistence, DrumHo is trusted
Love Shack experiment came together
W/ background singers, thru the weather
Semi-hoping 'singing' career is done
But, true be told, it sure was fun!!
Minor issues w/ the aftermath
Sub beers for dinner, a bad path
Solar heating, tire house is warm
In the chill, birds & squirrels swarm
S. Africa, Greece, Alaskan quakes
Minor solar blast, minor Earth rakes
Xmas auroras only near the north pole
Waters women on quite the roll
Mom hasn't competed in over 2 years
Played for fun, had no fears
Course, playing w/ the GOAT; #1
Makes it easy to win..that's fun
Posers for jesus, looking to the sky
Give their con a sciencey try
Surely the star did guide their way!!
But, winter travel, for taxes to pay??
That Venus is there, no real surprise
Just a Solstice party..in a new disguise
Venus & Jupiter do dazzle after dark
Still no reason to scream out HARK
West coast readies for mo' rain & snow
Air is waaay too dry up in Buffalo
Least winter is the shortest season
Solar proximity speed is the reason
We're tilted away but nearby
Hey, winter will surely fly
Who knows where we'll be by spring
Likely deep into cracra fascist thing
Winter darkness...
May not be the only darkness
Today On Earth

This hat allowed at this
Love Shack
Matty Gaetz...is not!!

Drop 'em while you got 'em

Saturday, December 21, 2024

It's The Winter Solstice... And Feelin' Like It!!

We got biting cold.. but, no snow
Even more biting when winds blow
After clear morning w/ solar gain
Cumulus appear, a heating pain..
Bird feeders a busy feathered place
But, time for a lil squirrel erase..
They are gone & sun is back!!
Correlation: sunshine & BB attack?
I don't think so, happy coincidence
My presence, tree-rat disappearance
In our orbit, today, the sun stands still
Humans figured it out, was a thrill
Became of time of feasts & holidays
Til man gods came w/ hateful ways
But, to ease the 'pain' of conversion
Needed to keep the winter diversion
xmas, hanukah, kwanza latecomers all
Built on man-tales, all quite tall
But, early worship was about the sun
Knew, w/o the light, life, would be none
Today's solar nadir marked the spot
When life giving orb, headed back to hot!
That nearby star has new spots turning
Into our view, big blasts? soon learning
W/ 15 spots of deep instability
Likely some action we're gonna see
Round the Earth, up north, it's the cold
Few quakes, none seem to big or bold
One in Nepal may get boulders rollin'
New 6.1, Vanuatu, waves soon patrollin'
That's pretty low to stir up a wave
Bigger issue, humans that won't behave
Havin' babies they can't feed
(or teach to read)
Buying lots of crap they don't really need
Tis the season to run up big card debt
Coming economic woes, very safe bet
dementia donnie w/ tariffs & tax breaks
Problem..w/ Earth..ain't no fakes
36 trillion in debt, $270K every taxpayer
W/ war, drugs & shopping as fall delayer
Future of USA & world, coming fall..hard
'Leaders'..brains w/ worms, lies & lard..
Happy Winter, it ain't coming
It's here!!
Today On Earth

This shroom may last longer
Than US democracy
It's been around since election..
Waaaay healthier than donnie..

Friday, December 20, 2024

Last Day Of Fall...Feels Wintery!!

Our farthest tilt, tomorrow, am4:21
So...basically, Autumn is done
Autumn, Fall, same w/ different story
Less light & temp & leaves, no worry
Also, late Fall scene, incoming mice
'Hey, check this seed'.. bad trap advice
2 mice so far w/ another window bird
Yep, that was the big thud I heard..
Outside, more clouds & growing chill
As southward Arctic cold does spill
Texass & Zimbabwe w/ surprise quakes
And, San Andreas, as it NW-ward rakes
Ghinese space junk fell to Earth last night
Posing as a bright meteor sight
We spy on them, they spy on us
'Weather' ballon causes a big fuss
Soooo many people w/ soooo much hate
'merica sure not headed toward 'great'
But, taking us back, promise they made
Where most get screwed, rich get paid
Scary if Elon is making all the calls
Does he have donnie by the tiny balls?
Dementia boy worships all the wrong folks
W/ any bad news, he quickly chokes
Flock of snow birds, dropped outta the sky
And, another missed window fly-by:(
Don't see a body, must'a been a graze
Hints of sun may lower collision phase
Still not doing much solar heating
But, good news, stronger heart is beating
And, we're not ass deep in snow
Like they remain..in Buffalo
Today On Earth

Bomb 'em while you can Ukraine!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Vindictive Dementia... Nice!!

He's a mo-ron, we all agree w/ that
And, dementia seems where he's at
Vindictive prick, we knew that, too
Lawyers & money, looking to screw
First ABC, now Iowa for 'bad' poll
christian forgiveness, not this troll
Call him a liar, we all know tis true
But, now our "leader's" comin' for you
Or me, it's really hard to tell
But, if jesus' true, millions off to hell
Earth don't care, if 8 billion or 4
But, we know won't tolerate any more
Earthshot awards, some clever stuff
Failed to notice, humans, we got enough
It's obvious in every photo they show
Human numbers continue to grow
At least, no big quakes today
And, no sunspots making us pay
Spots still there, minor quakes
Deep, deep cold w/ mini-breaks
But, arctic blast coming soon
W/ the solstice & waning moon
Just nice to have solar heating
Back on my back...
Today On Earth

donnie, dementia donnie
ass so fat can't wipe his own hinnee!!
Good thing he's got plenty that will
Matt, get the charmin..

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Three Hour Tour...

The weather started getting rough
The tiny ship was tossed...
You know the rest
8 day astronauts continue their test
Between Elon & Boeing..issues
In their crafts, perhaps fissures
Now Ghina adding mo' satellites
To extend their world spying rights
So...we've trashed land, sea & air
Now space pollution & do not care
All about greed & only for a few
Rebuild cathedral but people get screw
Worldwide, democracy's w/ a hit
Cuz human majority, stupid as shit
Coffee & chocolate, in short supply
That will sure make millions..cry
dementia donnie will not have a fix
Just denial & blame, his gang of dicks
Excuses are already coming..& fast
Democracy & peace unlikely to last
Not that we really have either one
Power & mayhem, waving a gun
Damp & nasty w/o any sun
Least, I'm keeping tree-rats on the run
Alberta clipper headed our way
Backside sunspots blasting away
Weather.com hyping 'superflare'
If grid is fried..maybe we care?!
Storm & quake ongoing aftermath
Just remember, Earth has no wrath
Just a planet, doing it's planet thing
Obey the rules or get the fling...
Today On Earth

Is this the 'road to no where'
Talking Heads referenced..??
Sure ain't no yellow brick road
But, it does keep growing!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Vanuatu..You're Rockin' It!!

On island arc, on the Aussie plate
Chance of quakes, beyond great
Today's 7.3 Vanuatu subduction
Resulted in a big housing reduction
Tsunami danger has now passed
But, the archipelago.. got trashed
Here, we're stable, cloudy & warm
But, bundling up for an arctic swarm
Rain maƱana ahead of the front
Earlier, a squirrel on the 'hunt'
Actually, saw a squirrel eating meat
Grabbed a dead bird, seemed a treat
Birds not doing well w/ the overcast
Hit my window, they don't last...:(
But, a tree rat..eating a dead bird
That was one, hadn't seen or heard..
CME, that was forecast to miss
Zapped the Earth, couldn't resist??
Waning moon remains bright at night
Perched just above red Mars tonight
Asia is dealing with monsoon rain
Just Earth, bad human planning = pain
Thai monastery was washed away
Yet, to buddha they pray & pray
jesus, allah, jehovah too, li'l help
Maybe a big downgrade on yelp..
Cuz billions worship, pray & pay
Just empty promises come their way
Today On Earth

No chocolate problem here:)

Hey Ukraine..better use those 
Good news w/ new demented donnie crew
Bring polio back, woowoo!!

Monday, December 16, 2024

What The What????

Suddenly, the TOE from nary a view
To almost more, than quite a few??
I never know what's up out there
Then who & what & when & where?
Is it Singapore or eyes in Ghina?
I'm guessing not Syria or Carolina..
Here it clouds & chilly w/ gloom
But, on Mayotte, Cyclone Chido, boom!
Whom will they blame, to whom, beg?
My guess: France, Froggies, shake a leg!
Stop oohhing over Notre Dame redo
Realize, warming is the real new screw
Usual 5-ish boundary quakes scene
In far north, few auroras still seen
Moon lit the sky, thru clouds & rain
Ground w/ 0.4" of water gain
Ahead, usual roller coaster week
Warm then cold, storms going freak
Gotta go north if you want snow
Here, it's a midweek re-rain show
Winter kicks off this Saturday
The Solstice..celebrate the holiday!
Only a poser thinks it ain't the real reason
That we party in the new season!
Today On Earth.. 

Says it all...
dog is good...

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Forget Solar Gain W/ The Coming Rain..

Forecast calls for showers, just light
Clouds thicken, only hint of sun in sight
Not nasty cold, long ways from warm
Seems a lull in my squirrel swarm
Huge prominence on edge of the sun
But, blast at Earth, only grazing stun
Auroras coming up the arctic way
More likely rain & snow today
Full Moon hanging w/ Jupiter last night
Little chance tonight, just clouds bright
Just rain here, lil too much heat
But, WVa, bet the skiing's sweet!
Another 5+ quake Mendocini junction
Triple plate joint, Earth rambunction
Another on shore S. Mexico
Still shimmies around Puerto Rico
Elsewhere, lots of lake effect snow
ABC gotta pay, for telling the truth
donnie's a rapist, conviction the proof
Con man, rapist, traitor, demented liar
W/ every word, pants could burst into fire
USA collapse likely coming soon
Serious issues...here by June
Data centers & heat up power demand
Oceans rise farther up the sand
Hurricanes will need new..Cat 6
Hopes, Mar a Lago reduced to sticks
dementia donnie sucking lil vlad's stubby
'mericans deny obese, just a lil chubby
Autism, diabetes & heart disease
Giving health care another squeeze
Up the denials, refuse to pay
Insurance bankruptcy on the way
Continue on like fat man 'in charge'
(ain't talking Santa)
Deny, deny & keep living large..
And, sorry Ukraine, you're screwed
Cuz we picked vlady's blow buddy dude
Today On Earth

One chocolate dog's toy
Passed on to another choco dog
Breyer's dark chocolate Buddy!!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Hazy Sun..Better Than None!!

Deep High pressure has settled in
Northern flow w/ clouds, but thin
Thin...not something seen in the USA
Fat, obese, Oprah declared, was A-OK
Insurance, 'health' care, deep into greed
As unhealthy 'mericans continue to feed
To fix it all, 'can't ya give me a pill'
Then, can sit on my ass & swill
Earth don't care, got fires & snow
Quakes off Cali, around Puerto Rico
Sunspots, unstable, getting fired up
Message to ionosphere..wuzup??
Moon'll be hanging w/ Jupiter again
Nearly Full, nice evening lightin'
Still high haze, still house warming
Early signs, tomorrow.. be storming?
Outside, temp very slow to rise
It's December, ain't no surprise..
Today On Earth

What the hell tore this up..
Seems later for deer rubbin'
But, somebody left a message

Friday, December 13, 2024

Want Snow? Try Buffalo!!

Course, the problem w/ Buffalo
You'll need a sno-cat to try & go
And, that may not be enough
Warm water + cold air = rough!!
Here, it's just cold but not extreme
W/ birds & squirrels livin' the dream
NW Aussie plate corner, shaky today
More of Texass than Cali w/ sway!!
Geminid meteors'll be shootin' tonight
But, wash-out..cuz moon's so bright
Venus & Jupiter continue their show
Gaze south..
If you just turn you head, to & fro
Lotta pardons coming from Joe
Different from thugs donnie'll let go
Most have served time & learned
dementia donnie's want USA burned
Warming world w/ doonie's insanity
Who really knows what we'll see
But, it won't be clever...or smart
And, sure no sympathy or heart
If Posers for jesus get their way
Then we all...are gonna pay..
Today On Earth

Gorgeous woodcut of the Golden Gate
And the City & headlands

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Back To December's Solar Heating

Rain is gone, front has moved thru
Temps down, but got lotta sun..woo!
Squirrels well aware that I'm up
Curtains open, departure abrupt!
Another front coming to deepen cold
Hopes for snow here, waaay too bold
Usual scene of quakes & aftershocks
2 dozen mountains hurling ash & rocks
All, but Iceland, w/ eruption as, ongoing
Still, it's just the locals that are knowing
Sun got spots but none are erupting
Happy for solar heat, no clouds disrupting
Shooting insurance CEO sure has stirred
Reality that payment denials are insured
AI makes health decisions & people die
Filthy rich 'insurers' no tears gonna fly..
No consequences for crime or big greed
W/ pathetic whining about rights & need
Rules remain simple: Adapt, Migrate or Die
Enjoy your time...all gonna wave byebye
Hopefully not..
Today On Earth

Happy Holladays!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Malibu Flamin' Screw.. Here, RAIN!!

While fires rage in Cali ritzy town
Here we got the rain comin' down
Aleutians, off Mendocino shake on
Signs of 'merican sympathy..gone
Not that health care exec deserves love
But, drooling for murderer's far above
dementia donnie's spewing of hate
Well, not that far above..so not great
TrumpVirus nastiness is the new norm
He & cabinet in need of a bullet swarm
We got the guns, we got the hate
For mayhem, never long to wait
Drive-by killing..maybe from overpass
But, most just focus on price of gas
Pump that CO2, mo' & mo' into the air
Unlivable world, we don't seem to care
Now into the xmas begging season
Poor parenting is the main reason
Give, give, give or feel the guilt
As need for abortion, contraception wilt
Plan before kids & don't whine to me
But, think housing & food be free
Tatts & braids, fancy phones & shoes
W/ made up 'rights' in twisted views
Earth is pretty low on 'rights'
Survive by day, again at night
Pass good genes & knowledge along
Otherwise..Earth won't even say.. so long
Today On Earth

Seems..my deceased dad
Is making whiskey!!
Expensive whiskey!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Gloom & Doom... That's Just The Weather

As we hunker in, fear reign of terror
We should look into Syria mirror
Vengeful dick-tator, killing his own
Here, set up by lotta lies on the phone
For TDS* only seeing fake news on fox
Your fatty brain's been set w/reality locks
Like dementia donnie's world view
Little he says is real.. is actually true
Like..Earth is young, evolution ain't real
And, donnie's good at business & a deal
But, 6 times bankruptcy he's declared
And, paying taxes, he hasn't shared
But lying con man, he's got that down
So 'believers' kneel, got nose..so brown
All as Earth continues to rage
As we move deeper into new warmer stage
Santa Ana's in Cali, torching Malibu
Nevada w/ 5.8 quake, just local screw
East coast headed for mo' flooding rain
Followed by frigid cold spell, again
In new standard trend, '24 gonna be
Even hotter than was a hot '23
Which beat '22, that cooked '21
Seem to think, we can fix all w/ a gun
Health care CEO not shown lot of love
How many insured got bankruptcy shove
TrumpVirus has deepened, metastasized
Spew blame, evil & hate, not surprised
Posers for jesus, so pious w/ their cross
But, it's money & power that's the real boss
Talk love & family, but so quick to defile
Elect rapists, free traitors, support pedophile
Grand Ole Party of Lincoln is long gone
Donnie's white hate party is comin' on
Today On Earth

Working toward
Happy Holladays!!

Just try & avoid
Trump Dick Suckers
They are everywhere..
Fat, vacant look..you've seen 'em
walmart, dollar stores..